"La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by Sir Frank Dicksee
Arthurian Literature & Art
Part I: Celtic/Medieval
Part II: Victorian/Modern
Part I Celtic/Medieval Index
- Arthurian Resources--General
- Celtic/Pagan Origins and Contexts
- Chivalry & Courtly Love
- More Gender/Sexuality Issues
- Arthurian Texts/Authors
Arthurian Resources--General

King Arthur from the Christian
Heroes Tapestry, c. 1385
- Arthurian Legends Illustrated--the King Arthur tales told through famous artworks.
A Simplified Medieval Britain Timeline--covers 5th through 15th centuries.
Early British Timeline --more detailed timeline; browse to 537 A.D. (death of Arthur).
An Arthurian Chronology--lists many of the earlier works about King Arthur.
Britannia's King Arthur --many links; one of the best historical sites, by a recognized Arthurian scholar. - The Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur
--scholarly article by Thomas Green.
Lincolnshire and the Arthurian Legend --scholarly article by Thomas Greed arguing for an historical Arthur.
A Bibliographic Guide to the Characters of the Pre-Galfridian Arthurian Legend --scholarly article by Thomas Green on the ancient folkloric origins of Arthur, his band of heroes, and other significant characters in the Arthurian legends.
King Arthur: The Once and Future King --condensed summary of the "facts" of Arthurian history. - C. Scott Littleton and Linda A. Malcor's From Scythia to Camelot--scholarly review of this book about the Iranian origins of the Arthur legend (except for Guinevere whose origins are Celtic).
- Artorius, Ambrosius, Arthur: Questing for the Historical Arthur, King of Britons --helpful exploration of the "evidence."
- Arthur: King of the Britons
--summarizes the evidence for the various claims about who the real Arthur was.
- Myrddin & Merlin: A Guide to the Early Evolution of the Merlin Legend --scholarly article by Thomas Green.
- Sub-Roman Britain: An Introduction --history of the age of Arthur (5th and 6th centuries).
- Vortigern
Studies: Index--many links to information on Vortigern (and Merlin).
Merlin--development of Merlin's character over time.
Merlin the Magician--overview of Merlin's background and life.
Some Notes on Merlin--scholarly article on Merlin as male version of Dame du Lac.

King of England
15th century armorial
(artist unknown)
- Middle Ages Knights--many links.
- Life in the Middles Age--many links.
- Camelot Village--helpful overview of daily life in the middle ages.
- Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry--famous art images of everyday life, divided by the months of the year.
- Feudalism and Daily Life--many links.
- Knights Templar--good history.
- Notes on Middle English Romance--helpful definitions of Medieval Romance as a literary form. Includes notes on Northrup Frye's definition of the mode of romance.
- Celtic Romances--importance of Celtic sources and themes in the Romance form.
- Romance--detailed
introduction to the history of the romance as genre
- King Arthur and the
Holy Grail--many links on everything pertaining to the subject.
Celtic/Pagan Origins & Contexts

Celtic Combat (artist unknown)
- Tradition of the Northern Celts--good introduction.
- The Celtic Origins of Arthurian Legends--good overview.
- The Celtic Origins of Arthurian Legends
--helpful introduction.
- From Ritual to Romance--Jessie Weston's complete book
(14 chapters) interpreting the pagan motifs of the Percival legends. Recommended: Chapters VI The Symbols; IX Fisher King; XIII Periolous
Chapel; and perhaps II Task of the Hero.
- Celtic Women: Myth and Symbol --helpful summary.
- Queen of Air and Darkness --summary of origins of the "loathly lady" and other characters.
- The Enduring Popularity of Courtly Love --based on worship of the Celtic goddess.
- Winning the Hand of the Fair Woman--variations on the theme, related back to the Celtic goddess.
- Lady of the Depths: Primal Goddess of Celtic Shamanism --detailed discussion of the goddess ancestry of those Arthurian Ladies of the Lake.
- Morgan le Fey--good introduction to her Celtic background.
- The Female Spellcaster in Middle English Romances--scholarly article on spellcasters like Morgan le Fay; women, sorcery , heresy--refers to a number of texts, including Sir Gawain.
- The Lady of the Lake
--Vivienne as the Celtic water goddess Coventina.
- Brigantia, Cartimandua and Gwenhwyfar --scholarly article on Guinevere's origins as a sovereignty goddess.
- Guinevere--early Celtic to modern conceptions of this character.
- The Abduction and Rescue of Guinevere --the pagan seasonal myth on which Guinevere's story is based.
- Wedded to the Land
--Celtic sovereignty goddesses and the Arthurian legend.
- Powerful Dwarves in Arthurian Literature --unusual study (Arthurian dwarves as solar gods).
- Sir Gawain--the rise and fall of Gawain as the "perfect knight."
- Gawain and Lancelot--good summaries/comments on the evolution of these two important knights from ancient literature to their modern manifestations. Make sure you follow all the links at the end of each section.
- Solar Aspects of Arthurian knights
--Arthur, Gawain, and Lancelot as related to the Sun/Sky god.
- Avalon: Gateway to Annwn--Celtic otherworld.
- Magical Glastonbury--article.
- Glastonbury--good photos and summaries of "magical" qualities of Glastonbury.
- Glastonbury Tor: Introduction and Magical Mystery Tor and Glastonbury Tor Maze and The Tor Goddess.
- The Goddess of Avalon--article by Kathy Jones.
- At the Tomb of King Arthur--scholarly article.
- Arthurian Places Grid--
links to famous Arthurian landmarks.

Grail appears at the Round
Table (artist unknown)
- The Celtic Cauldron--Celtic origins of the Grail story.
- The Holy Grail--grail variations, medieval through modern.
- Re-writing the Holy Grail: The Grail-Hero (from Arthurian Romance to Pop Culture--good summary of the changes undergone by the grail-hero; click on the link "Download this PDF file" (upper right corner) for the complete article.
- The Priory of Sion Hoax-- debunks the thesis of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
- The Fisher King--good discussion of his role in the grail myth.
- Houses of the Grail Keeper and the Grail Hero --the grail heroes.
- The Fisher King--good discussion of Fisher King role from Chretien to modern film.
- Cathars, Celtic Solar Heroes and the Holy Grail
--scholarly survey of the grail from Celtic to Christian sources.
- Hitler’s Quest For the Holy Grail And The Ark Of The Covenant--modern quest for a German Camelot (Steven Spielburg was right!).
- Revealed: Himmler's secret quest to locate the 'Aryan Holy Grail' --Nazis as Arthurian heroes?
- Parsifal and the Naziis--Hitler and Wagner's grail opera.
- Wagner, Hitler and Anti-Semitism Is Wagner's grail opera anti-semitic?
Chivalry and Courtly Love

Courtly Love (artist unknown)
- Courtly Love Study Guide --analyzes courtly love "rules" in several medieval texts. Includes good background.
- An Interpretation of Courtly Love --a Jungian approach.
- A Treatise on Courtly Love
--excerpts from Andreas Capellanus' famous text.
- Courtly Love and Chivalry in the Later Middle Ages --excellent scholarly essay contesting the popular definitions of "courtly love."
- A Medieval Love Story: True-life Romance in the 12th-Century --this love story of Abelard and Heloise contrasts with the fictions of courtly love.
- Medieval View of Love: The Chain of Being and Caritas
--a different take on the topic.
- The Enduring Popularity of Courtly Love --based on worship of the Celtic goddess.
- Did Women Have a Renaissance? --excellent article on social history; see especially the long section on "Love and the Medieval Lady."
- Introduction: The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree --good introduction to "courtly love" and to the major lais of Marie de France and others.
- The Troubadours, Part II: Ladies in Love --Medieval women troubadours writing on courtly love.
- Women’s Work -- Trobairitz, the First Female Composers of Western Secular Music-- includes some samples of their work, including a musical recording.
- The Role of Female Troubadours and Trobairitz in the Middle Ages
--female troubadours singing of courtly love from the female perspective.
- Chivalric Ideas of Love and Knighthood --good use of examples from the well-known Arthurian texts. Real-life vs literary convention.
- Chivalry --rather detailed discussion of the history and development of the codes of chivalry.
- Chivalry and Courtly Love --side-by-side comparison-contrast of the two key terms.
- Heroes of the Middle Ages --good definition of epic and chivalric heroes.
- Medieval Knights--very informative essay.
More Gender/Sexuality Issues

Tournament (artist unknown)
- Introductory Lecture on Women in Arthurian Romances --good survey.
- Gender, Heterosexuality, and Life Cycles of Medieval Women --interesting student essay.
- Female Heterosexuality in Late Medieval Europe--links
on female sexuality issues (contraception, etc.).
- Female Heroes--Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Crusades.
- The Great Crusades: A Woman's Role --interesting essay on female independence.
- Women Knights in the Middle Ages--interesting
- The Beguines--Medieval "women's movement"
- Sisters Between:
Gender and the Medieval Beguines--scholarly article.
- The Use of Courtly Language in Le Mirouer des simples
ames anienties--Babinsky's scholarly article on Porete's use of courtly love language to describe love of soul for God.
- Unhappy Choices: Factors That Contributed to the Decline and Condemnation of the Beguines
--scholarly article.
- Medieval
Masculinities--comparisons of the treatments of masculinity in Malory’s
Morte D’Arthur, First Knight (film), and Monty Python and the Holy Grail (film).
Ambros [Young Merlin] Prophesies to Vortigern, 15th century.
Learn more about various Arthurian dragons
"Alas for the Red Dragon, for its end is near. Its cavernous dens
shall be occupied by the White Dragon, which stands for the
Saxons which you have invited over. The Red Dragon represents
the people of Britain, who will be overrun by the White One."
Young Merlin's first prophecy, to King Vortigern
(from Geoffrey of Monmouth)
Arthurian Texts/Authors
- General
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Chrétien de Troyes
- Culhwch and Olwen
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Lancelot-Graal Cycle
- The Mabinogian
- Sir Thomas Malory
- Marie de France
- Pa gur: Dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd Mighty-grasp
- Preiddeu Annwn: The Spoils of Annwn
- Sir Gawain & Green Knight
- The Triads of the Isle of Britain
- Wace, Roman de Brut
- Sir Gawain & Dame Ragnelle
- Camelot Project: Author Menu--many links to Arthurian texts; excellent
Celtic Twilight Main Page--see links to "poetry" and "plays" and "art."
Anthology of Middle English Literature--Chaucer, Gawain, Malory, etc. - A Bibliographic Guide to Welsh Arthurian Literature --guide and introduction to the medieval Welsh manuscripts concerning the Arthurian legend.
- Morgan le Fay as Other in English Medieval and Modern Texts--dissertation covering ancient to modern Arthurian texts.
Geoffrey Chaucer

Alisoun, the Wife of Bath,
Ellesmere Manuscript
- Geoffrey Chaucer
--excellent site; links to biography, texts, essays, and more.
- Loathly Lady--encyclopedia definition.
- The Loathly Lady--women and sovereignty tradition.
- Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale: A Study Guide
--detailed discussion.
- The Worthiness of Chaucer's Worthy Knight --scholarly article.
- Chaucer's Knight and the Hundred Years War--scholarly article.
- Chaucer: Love, Sex and Marriage --scholarly selection from Chaucer, Langland, and the Creative Imagination about the Wife's rebellion and conformism.
- The Wife of Bath and the Painting of Lions --scholarly article
- Chaucer the Pilgrim --Donaldson's earlier scholarly article
- The Wife of Bath and the Mediation of 'Privitee' --Chapter 11 from Shoaf's scholarly book (Dante, Chaucer, and Currency of the Word).
- Chaucer's Discussion of Marriage --Kittredge's classic article on the marriage tales.
- Reading the Wife of Bath by the Light of Madonna --Hagen's unusual post-modern reading in a conference paper.
- The Problem of Defining Sovereynetee in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" --scholarly article.
- Exploitation and Excommunication in The Wife of Bath's Tale --scholarly article.
- 'What Does a Woman Want?' Embracing the Goddess in Medieval Romance--scholarly article.
Chrétien de Troyes

Sir Percival and two other
knights with the Holy Grail
(Percival manuscript, 1286)
- Chrétien de Troyes' Arthurian Romances --e-texts of Erec and Enide; Clíges; Yvain, or the Knight of the Lion; and Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart.
- Chrétian de Troyes' Le Chavalier de la Charrete --helpful instructor's notes.
- Chrétian de Troyes' Yvain --another helpful set of instructor's notes.
- Research Portfolio-- detailed summary/review of three Chaucer articles, including "Love that Dares Not Speak Its Name."
- Background Information on Chrétien's Le Chevalier de la Charrette --scholarly introduction of the "narrative coupling" of Le Chevalier de la Charrettes (Lancelot) and Le Chevalier au Lion (Yvain) and on Chrétien's dynamic use of sources.
- The Forest of Medieval Romance --helpful review of Saunder's scholarly book; Malory, Chretien, and Marie de France covered.
- Background Information on Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette --excellent scholarly introduction; Chrétien's revision of the Tristan tradition.
- The Anxiety of the Influence of Medieval Identity Machines --scholarly discussion of Yvain.
- Otherworld Intervention: The Role of the Supernatural in Geoffrey and Chrétien-- scholarly discussion.
- The Tournament in the Romances of Chrétien de Troyes and L'Histoire de Guillaume Le Maréchal--scholarly paper.
- "The Horror of Culture" --scholarly post-modern approach to the "incest taboo" in Chrétien's Cliges.
- The Forest of Medieval Romance --helpful review of Saunder's scholarly book; Marlory, Chretien, and Marie de France covered.
- 'A la guise de Gales l'atorna': Maternal Influence in Chrétien's Conte du Graal --scholarly article.
Geoffrey of Monmouth

Arthur and His Knights Riding
(artist unknown)
- Arthurian Passages from The Kings of Britain --very readable selections; Geoffrey's version of the Vortigern, Uther, Arthur "history."
- The History of the Kings of Britain, BOOK VII. CHAPTER III. The Prophecy of Merlin and BOOK VII. CHAPTER IV. The Continuation of the Prophecy --e-text selections from Geoffrey Of Monmouth's Historia Regum Brittaniae on Merlin's prophecies. Complete table of contents: Table of Contents.
- BOOK IX. CHAPTER XII. Arthur Summons a Great Many Kings, Princes, Archbisophs etc. to a Solemn Assembly at the City of Legions and BOOK IX. CHAPTER XIII. A Description of the Royal Pomp at the Coronation of Arthur and BOOK IX. CHAPTER XIV. After a Variety of Sports at the Coronation, Arthur Amply Rewards his Servants--e-text selections from Geoffrey Of Monmouth's Historia Regum Brittaniae on Arthur's Coronation. Complete table of contents: Table of Contents.
- The Vita Merlini/Life of Merlin--e-text, translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin text.
- Avalon from the Vita Merlini and Arthur from the Vita Merlini --e-text selections from Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth--biography.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth and the History of the Kings of Britain --detailed discussion of Geoffrey's methods and goals; some biography.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth biography; commentary; selections from his History of the Kings of Britain.
- Merlin's Prophecies--convenient summary of the development of the character of Merlin.
- Was Merlin an old Magician or a young Fortuneteller?--informative entry.
The Mabinogi
- The Mabinogian and Mabinogian Introduction.
- Mabinogian--introduction
- Culhwch and Olwen--e-text.
- The Arthurian Court List in Culhwch and Olwen --the "court list" convention in Culhwch and in "Spoils of Annwn."
- The Mabinogion: Culhwch and Olwen--scholarly introduction.
- Winning the Hand of the Fair Woman --Celtic goddess themes in Welsh literature, including the Mabinogian.
- Twrch Trwyth --summary of the enchanted boar's history in the Welsh prose romance Culhwch and Olwen and other early texts.
- The Hunting of Twrch Trwyth, Part I --significance of beards, barbering, and haircuts in early folklore.
- The Hunting of Twrch Trwyth, Part II --the theme of nobility in early Twrch folklore.
- The Hunting of Twrch Trwyth, Part III --interpretations of the symbolic animals.
- The Forty Tasks of Culhwch--background.
- Brigit the Goddess--Twrch Trwyth is associated with the Celtic/Irish goddess Brigit also.
Sir Thomas Malory

Knights Arriving at a Castle
(artist unknown)
- Sir Thomas Malory
--excellent links to biographies, texts, scholarly articles, Arthurian movies, and more
Thomas Malory and Le Morte D'Arthur and
Malory's Morte D'Arthur Balin and
Malory's Sangrail and
Malory's Tale of Lancelot and Guenevere and
The Death of King Arthur--helpful instructor notes.
- Utopic Elements of Femininity in Malory's Morte D'Arthur and Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon--scholarly study.
- The Celtic Influences of Early Malory--interesting essay.
- How Sir Thomas Malory Misunderstood the Grail --well-done student paper.
- Politics of Violence in Malory's Treatment of Arthurian Legend --excellent essay.
- When Malory Met Arthur: Sex and Magic in King Arthur's Camelot
--M.A. thesis.
- Malory's Conflicting Conceptions of Knighthood--interesting student paper.
- The Naked Truth: Why Le Morte Darthur La Beale Isode May Be Naked But Queen Gwenyvere May Not--scholarly article.
- Prophecy, Dragons and Meaning in Malory--scholarly article.
- Evidence against Lancelot and Guinevere: Treason by Imagination --scholarly essay.
- Reading the Adulterous/Treasonous Queen in Early Modern England: Malory’s Guinevere and Anne Boleyn--scholarly article.
- Treason in Arthurian Legend --the legal basis for treason by Guenivere, Lancelot, Gawain, Agravain, and Mordred in Malory and several other medieval Arthurian tales.
- The Precognition of Crime: Treason in Medieval England and Terrorism in Twenty-first Century American --scholarly article.
- The Forest of Medieval Romance --helpful review of Saunder's scholarly book; Malory, Chretien, and Marie de France covered.
- Analytic Psychology Approach to the Love-Hate Relationship between King Arthur and Morgan le Fay --interesting Jungian/psychoanalytic analysis.
- Malory's 'Book of Huntynge': The Tristram Section of the 'Mort Darthur' --scholarly article.
- The Definition of Virtuous Love in Thomas Malory's 'Morte Darthur' --scholarly article.
- Malory's 'Book of Huntynge': The Tristram Section of the 'Mort Darthur' --scholarly article.
- A Rebel and a Witch: The Historical context and Ideological Function of Morgan le Fay in Malory's Morte D'Arthur--dissertation.
- Passion and Fellowship: The Development of Malory's Gawain--scholarly article.
- Fashionable Beards and Beards as Fashion: Beard Coats in Thomas Malory's Morte d’Arthur--scholarly article.
Marie de France

Tristram and Isolde (artist unknown)
- The Lais of Marie de France --e-texts of Lanval and the other Breton lais by Marie de France.
- he Lais of Marie de France Study Guide .
- Instructor's Notes on Marie de France and Lanval --some very helpful ideas to think about.
- Study Guide for the Lais of Marie de France
- The Middle English Breton Lays: General Introduction
--detailed definition; scholarly article.
- Models of Knighthood in Marie de France's Lays.
- Introduction: The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree
--good introduction to "courtly love" and to the major lais of Marie de France and related writers.
- The Forest of Medieval Romance --helpful review of Saunder's scholarly book; Malory, Chretien, and Marie de France covered.
- Alienation and the Otherworld in "Lanval," "Yonec," and "Guigemar" --scholarly article.
- Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's Equitan --scholarly article.
- Fictions of Identity in Medieval France --scholarly book; scroll down to Chapter One on the lais of Marie de France.
- The Werewolf as Möbius Strip, or Becoming Bisclavret--scholarly discussion.
- The Making of the Man: Woman as Consummator in the Lais of Marie de France --scholarly article.
- The French Woman Writer in the Middle Ages: Staying Up Late --scholarly article on Marie de France establishing her authority as a woman writer.

Lancelot (artist unknown)
- Guilty as Charged? Subjectivity and the Law in La Chanson de Roland and "Lanval" --scholarly article
- Socializing the Sorceress: The Fairy Mistress in Lanval, Le Bel Inconnu, and Partonopeu de Blois --scholarly article.
Pa gur: Dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd Mighty-grasp
- Arthur and the Porter [Pa gur: Dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd Mighty-grasp]--e-text.
- "Pa gur" and "The Spoils of Annwn": A Lecture --helpful comments.
- Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr--Glewlwyd's connection with the Culhwch tale.
Preiddeu Annwn: "The Spoils of Annwn"
- Preiddeu Annwn: "The Spoils of Annwn" --e-text.
- "Pa gur" and "The Spoils of Annwn": A Lecture --helpful comments.
- Preiddeu Annwfn --background and commentary on "The Spoils of Annwn."
- Annwn --definition of Celtic otherworld.
- The Arthurian Court List in Culhwch and Olwen --the "court list" convention in Culhwch and in "Spoils of Annwn."

The Green Knight Confronts
Sir Gawain (artist unknown)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
--excellent links e-texts.
- Main themes --summary by Classic Notes.
- Sir Gawain and the Otherworld Journey
--a pagan reading of Sir Gawain.
- The Failure of Sir Gawain: Fall of the Knight--scholarly article.
- Honor and Transgression: The Poetics and Politics of Shame and Guilt in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight--scholarly article.
- The Meaning and Symbolism of the Hunting Scenes in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight-- discussion.
- Feminine Knots and the Other Sir Gawain and the Green Knight--scholarly article.
- The "Syngne of Surfet" and the Surfeit of Signs in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight --scholarly article.
- The Poem as Green Girdle: Commercium in Sir Gawain... --scholarly article.
- The Duke Of Clarence And The Earls Of March: Garter Knights And 'Sir Gawain And The Green Knight' --scholarly article.
- Rereading Gawain's Five Wits --scholarly article.
- Misconceived Misogyny: The Characterization of Sir Gawain and His Outburst in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight --scholarly article.
- Sir Gawain’s Misogynist Diatribe--scholarly discussion.
- The Pentangle: Guiding Star for the Gawain-Poet --scholarly article.
- Controlling the Feminine Voice in Cleanness and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight --scholarly article.
- Bertilak Reads Brut: History and the Complications of Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight --scholarly article.
- Gawain's Departure from the Peregrinatio --scholarly article.
- Gawain's Practice Of Piety In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight --scholarly article.
- Names, Reputation, and History in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight --scholarly article.
- A Re-hearing of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" --scholarly article.
- Gawain and the godgames--scholarly article.
- The Cipher of Chivalry: Violence as Courtly Play in the World of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" --scholarly article.
- Self-determination in the Post-vulgate "Suite du Merlin" and Malory's "Le Morte Darthur" --scholarly article.
- The Female Spell-caster in Middle English Romances: Heretical Outsider or Political Insider--scholarly article.
- Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut --introduction and text.

Knights Jousting
(artist unknown)
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
- The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell --e-text, modern translation.
- Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell --helpful introduction.
- Loathly Lady--encyclopedia definition.
- The Loathly Lady--women and sovereignty tradition.
- The English "Loathly Lady" Tales: Boundaries, Traditions, Motifs --book review; study of the various appearances of the Loathly Lady in a number of Arthur texts.
- The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle: Introduction-- helpful introduction.
- Why Dame Ragnell Had To Die-- scholarly article.
- Alison’s Antithesis in The Marriage of Sir Gawain --comparison of two different versions of the Gawain-Loathly Lady marriage tale.
- `And shold have been oderwyse understond': the disenchanting of Sir Gromer Somer Joure --scholarly article.
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Updated: 1-14-17
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