Painting: Edmund Blair Leighton, 'Godspeed'


English 555/755-01 Topics

Arthurian Literature

Course Syllabus


Spring Semester 2012
MWF 11:00 - 11:50, Grubbs 312
Pittsburg State University
Instructor:  Dr. K. Nichols

NOTE:  It is assumed that most students have already read
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Wife of Bath's Tale
in their introductory British Literature survey course.


W Jan. 18 -- Introduction. Visit the Computer Classroom Grubbs 101: Browse online syllabus and links.

Celtic Myth & Welsh Warrior-Heroes (10th-11th Centuries)

Topics: Cei as Top Warrior; Otherworld Journeys; Seasonal Myths.

 F Jan. 20 -- Simplified Medieval Britain Timeline (online).

Pa gur: Dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd Mighty-grasp (online).

NOTE: Keep an eye on King Arthur and Cei (Kei, Sir Kay) and Bedwyr (Sir Bedivere) over the next week or so.

Recommended: Winning the Hand of the Fair Woman (online).


M Jan. 23 -- Skim over sections of the Introduction, pp. ix-xxx, in The Mabinogion.

First Branch of the Mabinogi ["Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed"] pp. 3-21 in The Mabinogion.

Recommended: Annwn definition (online).

W Jan. 25 -- Second Branch of the Mabinogi ["Branwen Daughter of Llyr"] pp. 22-34 in The Mabinogion.

 F Jan. 27 -- "Culhwch and Olwen," pp. 179-213 in The Mabinogion

Recommended: "Culhwch and Olwen: Cafall and the Hunt of
Twrch Trwyth"
and "Twrch Trwyth from Culhwch and Olwen"
and "Giants: Ysbaddaden" (online).

French Romance/Breton Lay: Courtly Love (12th Century)

WEEK THREE (Grad. students read texts for their additional paper due Week 13. See online paper directions.)

Topics: Lancelot as Hero; Perceval as Grail Knight; Faerie Queens

M  Jan. 30 -- Medieval Attitudes Toward Vernacular Literature (online).

Chrétien de Troyes, "Lancelot," pp. 185-218 in Arthurian Romances.

Recommended: Chrétien resources (online)

W Feb. 01 -- Courtly Love (online).

Chrétien, "Lancelot," pp. 218-252 in Arthurian Romances.

 F  Feb. 03 -- Notes on Middle English Romance (online).

Chrétien, "Lancelot," pp. 252-280 in Arthurian Romances.

CONTEXT REPORTS ASSIGNED (due 2/13, 4 pp.; 10 min. oral). See paper directions (online).


M Feb. 06 -- Video: Eric Rohmer's Perceval de Gallois (1978)--140 min.

W Feb. 08 -- Video: Rohmer's Perceval de Gallois

 F  Feb. 10 -- Video: Rohmer's Perceval de Gallois


M Feb. 13 -- CONTEXT REPORTS DUE: written 4 pp.; oral 10 min.

1)_________________ 2)_________________ 3)_________________

W Feb. 15 -- 5)_________________ 6)_________________ 7)_________________



 F Feb. 17 -- 9)________________ 10)________________ 11)_________________


WEEK SIX (Grad. students research 3-4 scholarly articles.)

M Feb. 20 -- Wace,[Merlin Episodes], pp. 95-106, from Roman De Brut,

in Wilhelm's Romance of Arthur: An Anthology (online). Click on the link, scroll down to the Table of Contents, and click on "V. Wace: Roman de Brut (Merlin Episodes)." (NOTE: Copy of Wilhelm's anthology also on Library Reserve)
Marie de France, Lanval (online)
Browse medieval artwork at Arthurian Literature & Art Part I: Celtic and Medieval.

Recommended: Marie de France resources (online)

W Feb. 22 -- TAKE-HOME EXAM #1 DUE (no class).

Middle English Romance: World of Chivalry (15th Century)

Topics: Rise and Fall of Round Table; Galahad as Grail Knight.

 F Feb. 24 -- Sir Thomas Malory, "How Uther Pendragon Begot . . .,"pp. 3-33, in

Le Morte Darthur
Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part I The Legend Begins.

Recommended: Morte Darthur resources (online)


M Feb. 27 -- Malory, "Tale of Balin . . ." pp. 33-49; "Wedding of King Arthur," 50-57;

"Of Nevive and Morgan le Fay," 57-81. [Section on Emperor of Rome omitted]
Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part III Magic and Sorcery.

W Feb. 29 -- Malory, "Noble Tale of Sir Lancelot du Lake," pp. 95-119;

[Long section on Sir Gareth and Sir Tristram omitted]; "Of Sir Galahad, Sir Lancelot's Son" pp. 281-292; "Of Sir Lancelot, that suffered . . ." pp.293-303; [Section on Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides omitted]; "Noble Tale of the Sangrail," pp. 310-320; Of Sir Galahad, pp. 321-326.
Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part IV Healing the Fisher King.

 F  Mar. 2 -- Malory, "Of Sir Gawain . . . ," pp. 327-345; [Section on Sir Lancelot omitted];

"Of Sir Gawain and Sir Ector," pp. 351-6; [Section on Sir Bors and Sir Galahad omitted]; "Of Sir Lancelot," pp. 388-394; "Of Sir Galahad," pp. 395-402.
Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part V Galahad's Grail Quest.


M Mar. 05 -- Malory, "Tale of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenivere," pp. 403-37

W Mar. 07 -- Malory, "Tale of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenivere," pp. 437-67

Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part II Some Tragic Lovers.

 F Mar. 09 -- Malory, "Death of Arthur," pp. 468-498

WEEK NINE (Grad. students research 3-4 scholarly articles on their paper topic.)

M Mar. 12 -- Malory, "Death of Arthur," pp. 498-527

Browse artwork at Arthurian Legend Illustrated: Part VI The Dream Falls Apart.

Victorian Medievalism: Poetry and Art (19th Century)

W Mar. 14 -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott

 F Mar. 16 -- Study the Shalott paintings on the Arthurian Literature and Art

web page (click on the small images to see larger ones) AND read ONE OR MORE articles/essays listed there on how artists have interpreted the Shalott motif in their paintings. Be prepared to discuss the various interpretations by Tennyson and the artists.

LIT/ART REPORT ASSIGNED (due 3/26, 3-4 pp.). See paper directions (online).

Recommended: The Painted Poem (online)--covers "Lady of Shalott";
Arthurian Legend Illustrated (online)--mostly Victorian artwork.
Arthurian Literature and Art--Victorian/Modern art

WEEK TEN (Grad. students write and revise papers, 8-10 pp., due Week 13.)

M-F Mar. 19 -- 23   SPRING BREAK (no class)


M  Mar. 26 --ARTWORK REPORT DUE (3-4 pp.). Be prepared to discuss

your images in class.

W Mar. 28 --Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Merlin and Viviene," pp. 142-167 in

Idylls of the King.

Recommended: "Idylls" resources (online)

 F Mar. 30 -- Tennyson, "Guinevere," pp. 269-287 in Idylls of the King.


M  Apr. 02 -- "The Passing of Arthur," pp. 288-300 in Idylls of the King.

W Apr. 04 -- TAKE-HOME EXAM DUE (no class).

Modern Revisions: American (20th Century)

 F  Apr. 06 -- Sara Teasdale, Guenevere (online).

Wendy Mnookin, poems (pages 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28,
29, 32-34, 37, 39, 40, 48-49, 50) in Guenever Speaks (1991). (NOTE: Mnookin on Library Reserve).
Judith P. Shoaf, The Romance of Arthur, Vortigern's Daughter (online)

WEEK THIRTEEN (Grad. student papers due this week.)

M Apr. 09 -- Norris Lacy, Merlin the Mad (online)

W Apr. 11 -- Jane Yolen, "The Quiet Monk," pp. 73-87, in Isaac Asimov's

Camelot. (NOTE: Borrow instructor's copy.)

 F  Apr. 13 -- Roger Zelazny, "The Last Defender of Camelot," pp. 1-26, in Isaac

Asimov's Camelot. (NOTE: Borrow instructor's copy.)

The Tristan-Isolde Tradition: Medieval to Modern


M Apr. 16 -- LITERARY ANALYSIS PAPER ASSIGNED (due 4/30, 6-7 pp.). See

paper directions (online).
"Cantare on the Death of Tristan," pp. 295-304 in Wilhelm's Romance of Arthur: An Anthology. (NOTE: Copy on Library Reserve.)

Recommended: "Cantare on the Death of Tristan" Questions.

Joseph Bédier, The Romance of Tristan and Iseult, read 1/4.

Recommended: 'Tristan' Resources (online).

W Apr. 18 -- Joseph Bédier, The Romance of Tristan and Iseult, read 1/2.

 F Apr. 20 -- Bédier, The Romance of Tristan and Iseult, read 3/4.


M Apr. 23 -- Bédier, The Romance of Tristan and Iseult, finish reading.

W Apr. 25 -- Video: Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde (selection from Act I).

 F Apr. 27 -- Video: Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde (selection from

Act III--the famous "Liebestod")



Video: Jean Cocteau's L'Eternel Retour [The Eternal Return] (1943) --108 min.

W May 02 -- Video: Cocteau's L'Eternel Retour [The Eternal Return]


 F May 04 -- Video: Cocteau's L'Eternel Retour [The Eternal Return]

FINAL TAKE-HOME EXAM: Due Wed., May 9 (no class). Submit a hard-copy to my office (Rm. 450) or email it to me as a .doc file or .rtf file: .

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Painting top of page:
"Godspeed" by Edmund Blair Leighton

Background images by Devonshire Designs