Art in Willa Cather's Fiction
Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927)

The extent to which Willa Cather was interested in and influenced by art has
been carefully documented by Polly P. Duryea in her 1993 dissertation Paintings
and Drawings in Willa Cather's Prose: A Catalogue Raisonne. To facilitate
appreciation of Cather's art allusions, I have
gathered together here images of the art identified by Duryea and selected
quotations and commentary from her dissertation.
Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927)
is a novel about two nineteenth-century French priests, Father Vaillant and Father LaTour,
who come to America to establish a mission in
the southwestern desert which changes them.

The Missionary's Adventures by Jehan-Georges Vibert (French, 1840-1902).
Titled The Missionary's Return by Cather.
Read Vibert's commentary on this satiric painting. The sombre-clothed
missionary (center) contrasts with the worldly colors and attitudes around
him (as is also suggested by the following Vibert paintings).

Jean Georges Vibert, (left) The Appointment and (right) The Schism, later 19th Century.
- Willa Cather's statement:
- "It was a painting, by the way, that made the first scene of
that story [Death Comes for the Archbishop] for me. A French painter,
Vibert, one who did a precise piece of work in the manner of his day, called
'The Missionary's Return.'" (Small, Harold. "Willa Cather Tells 'Secret' Novel's Title."
San Francisco Chronicle 26 Mar. 1931: 13; WCP 109 [Arnold 1931.44].

(Left) Georges de La Tour, Saint Joseph, Carpenter, c. 1640
(Right) El Greco, St Frances in Prayer, 1587-97 (or St. Frances Kneeling in Meditation)
- According to Duryea, "Saint Joseph, the Carpenter+, and the Penitent Magdalen+ were
both works referred to by Cather but with the painters unnamed. The Bishop in
Death Comes for the Archbishop is named Latour. Cather probably
recalled La Tour's Saint Joseph for the Ácoma Altar-painting of `St.
Joseph' (DCA 88)."
- "At Ácoma," he said, "you can see something very holy. They
have there a portrait of St. Joseph, sent to them by one of the Kings of
Spain, long ago, and it has worked many miracles. If the season is dry, the
Ácoma people take the picture down to their farms at Acomita, and it never
fails to produce rain. They have rain when none falls in all the country, and
they have crops when the Laguna Indians have none" (DCA 88, again on
- According to Duryea, "In Death Comes for the Archbishop, Cather leaves a question for
the reader as to whether or not the painting of St Joseph might be the lost
St. Francis by El Greco; in any case the purpose of the painting shifts
slightly from an interceding Saint devoted to the worker to become a fetish
for rain-making. (Tenorio, Mary. `Letter to author' 25 Oct. 1992.
Pueblo de Ácoma, Acomita, NM 87034)."
- "He wheedled a good sum of money out of the old man, as well as
vestments and linen and chalices--he would take anything--and he implored my
grandfather to give him a painting from his great collection, for the
ornamentation of his mission church among the Indians. My grandfather told him
to choose from the gallery, believing the priest would covet most what he
himself could best afford to spare. But not all; the hairy Franciscan pounced
upon one of the best in the collection; a young St. Francis in Meditation, by
El Greco, and the model for the saint was one of the very handsome Dukes of
Albuquerque" (DCA 11).
- According to Duryea, "In her novel Death Comes for the Archbishop the El Greco painting of
St. Francis may cryptically change into the portrait of St. Joseph,
the altarpiece at Ácoma Pueblo (DCA 88, 197). Cather confuses the
reader in what may or may not be a vague suggestion for the transmission from
one painting to another."

- "Hundreds of years ago, before European civilizations had
touched this continent, Indian women in the old rock-perched pueblos of the
southwest were painting geometrical patterns on jars . . . " (1936 "Escapism,"
in On Writing 19).

Burne-Jones, Chaucer Asleep (Kelmscott Chaucer), 1896
- According to Duryea, "Chaucer, the dreaming poet
who is turbaned and classically robed, lies on the grass with his right arm
supporting his head. Two elegant angels look on. Lining the canyons near an
ominously dark pool stand classical maidens in rows of diminishing scale.
Entranced and dreamy, each awaits her turn to tell stories to the sleeping
- According to Duryea, "Cather may have patterned several characters in Death Comes for the Archbishop after Holbein's satirical woodcuts and then related a
Chaucer-like tale for each one of them."

(Left) "The Expulsion from Paradise" [Buck Scales and Magdalena]
(Middle) "The Bishop" [Father Latour]
(Right) "The Parish Priest" [Father Latour]

(Left) "The Monk" [Ácoma's Friar Baltazar Montoya]
(Middle) "The Old Woman" [Old Sada]
(Right) "The Miser" [Father Lucero]

(Left) "The Seaman" [The Galveston Shipwreck]
(Right) "The Lady" [Doña Isabella Oliveres]
Hans Holbein the Younger, Dance of Death or Totentanz Series (above).
Selected Prints/Wood Engravings Linked to Cather's Characters by Duryea.
- According to Duryea, "The artist's symbolic
characters depict personae in different life-professions and invariably each one
ends in death. Holbeins's wood engravings in Dance of Death are directly
related to Cather's title for
Death Comes for the Archbishop. . . . Furthermore, Cather may have patterned several characters in Death Comes
for the Archbishop after Holbein's satirical woodcuts and then related a
Chaucer-like tale for each one of them."

Pierre Cécile Puvis de
Chavannes, Childhood of St. Genevieve
(Sainte Genevieve Frescoes 1876-1896)
- According to Duryea, Cather "compared her own prose composition to 'the style of legend' found in Puvis
de Chavannes' frescoes that she had seen in Paris.' A Letter from Willa Cather
[on Death Comes for the Archbishop]' Commonweal 7 (27 Nov.
1927): 713 [Crane D587]." Most art critics mention the flat, decorative
effect of a Puvis fresco.

Ernest L. Blumenschein, Sangre de Christo
Mountains, 1926
- This Taos painting has been cited as being in the
style and spirit of DCA, although Duryea notes that Cather's friend
Blumenschein did not illustrate Cather's novels as had been stated

Related Resources:
Song of the Lark
Coming, Aphrodite!
My Mortal Enemy
Professor's House
Comments/Suggestions: knichols11@cox.net
Updated: 12-14-12