Reading Schedule
Spring Semester 2012
MWF 1:00-1:50, Grubbs Hall 312
Pittsburg State University
Dr. K. Nichols:
Week One
- 01/18--Introduction. Visit Computer Lab, Grubbs 101.
Dark Romantic Gothic
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
- 02/06--Edgar Allan Poe, "The Black Cat"
in The Gold-Bug and Other Tales.
- 02/08--VIDEO: The Black Cat (1934 film; 65 min.)
- 02/10--VIDEO: The Black Cat
PAPER #1 DUE--4-5 pp.
Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven (online study text);
listen to "The Raven" (audio);
browse Gustave Doré Illustrations of "The Raven" (online)--make
sure you click on "Lines Illustrated by Gustave Doré."
Week Five
- 02/13--VIDEO: "Rappaccini's Daughter" (55 min.)
Read Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter" in
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories.
- 02/15--VIDEO: "Rappaccini's Daughter"
Finish Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter" in
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories.
- 02/17--Nathaniel Hawthorne, "My Kinsman, Major Molineux" in
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories.
Week Six
- 02/20--TAKE-HOME EXAM #1 DUE (no class). Submit as an email attachment (.doc file or .rtf file), or
slide a hard copy under my office door, Grubbs 450.
Female Gothic: The Bronte Influence
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Sci-Fi Gothic Cinema
- 03/12--VIDEO: Alien (1979 film; 117 min.)
- 03/14--VIDEO: Alien (1979 film; 117 min.)
- 03/16--VIDEO: Alien (1979 film; 117 min.)
Week Ten
Week Eleven
Southern Gothic/Grotesque
- 03/26--PAPER #2 DUE--6-8 pp.
William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily
Helpful Term: Southern Gothic (online).
- 03/28--Flannery O'Connor, "The Displaced Person"
in A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories.
Helpful Term: Grotesque (online).
- 03/30--Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" or "Artificial Nigger"
in A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories.
Week Twelve
- 04/02--TAKE-HOME EXAM #2 DUE (no class). Submit as an email attachment
(.doc file or .rtf file), or slide a hard copy under my office door, Grubbs 450.
Racial Gothic: Slavery and Its Legacy
- 04/04--Paul Laurence Dunbar,
The Lynching of Jube Benson (online).
VIDEO: Frankenstein (1931 film; 70 min.).
Begin reading Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
- 04/06--VIDEO: Frankenstein.
Continue reading Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
Week Thirteen
- 04/09--Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
- 04/11--Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
- 04/13--Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
Week Fourteen
- 04/16--Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
- 04/18--Richard Wright, Native Son--49 pp.
- 04/20--Richard Wright, Native Son--finish.
Week Fifteen
- 04/23--Toni Morrison, Beloved--read 54 pages.
- 04/25--Toni Morrison, Beloved--read 54 pages.
- 04/27--Toni Morrison, Beloved--read 54 pages.
Week Sixteen
- 04/307--Toni Morrison, Beloved--read 54 pages.
TAKE-HOME EXAM #3 ASSIGNED--due 5/7 (or 5/8).
- 05/02--Toni Morrison, Beloved--read 54 pages.
- 05/04--Toni Morrison, Beloved--finish.
FINAL: Take-Home Exam #3--due Mon., May 7 (or Tuesday May 8) (no class)
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