Course Outline--under construction
Instructor: Dr. K. Nichols
Course Description:
We will study significant western colonial texts and post-colonial revisions produced by Britain/Europe, Africa, and the New World of the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, and the borderland USA. The focus will be on how the colonial texts are revised and rewritten by the inhabitants of the colonized areas in their search for a personal/national identity.
General Course Outline:
Colonial Empire and the Slave Trade--6 weeks
- Movie: Shakespeare, Tempest--3 days
- Cesaire, Tempest--2-3 days
- Equiano, Slave Narrative--major selections--3 days
- Movie: Bronte, Jane Eyre--3 days
- Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea--4 days
- Poetry: Olive Senior; Guillen; Cesaire
- Conrad, Heart of Darkness--3 days
Caribbean and South America--5 weeks
- Carpentier, Kingdom of this World (or Lost Steps)-- 4 days
- Walcott, Ti-John and his Brothers -- 3 days
- Michelle Cliff, Abeng--4 days
- Poetry: Neruda; Walcott; Stories: Clarise Lispector, Smallest Woman in the world; Hen; and Borges, Circular Ruins--1 day
- Movie: Quilombo--3 days
Mexico and Borderlands USA--5 weeks
- Juan Rulfo, Pedro Paramo --2 days
- Fuentes, Aura -- 2 days
- Elena Garro, It's the Fault of the Tlaxcaltecas--1 day
- Rudolphe Anaya, Message from the Inca--1 day
- Gloria Anzaldua--excepts and poems; and
Poems: Castellanos; Paz--1 day
- Leslie Marmon Silko, Sand Dunes--9 days

Posted: 7-1-12