Marko St.Blair

Male Human Paladin:5 - CR n/a; medium-size humanoid (6 ft. 3 in. tall, weight 198lbs)

Stats: Str 19, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 18 (App: 8)

HD: 5d10+8
Init: +2
AL: Lawful Good
AC: 21 (+10 armor, +1 dodge, 25 w/shield)
HP: 57
Spd: 30
SV: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +7
BAB: +5

Atks: +10 melee (1d12+6 crit 19-20x3 great axe) +11 (1d8+6 crit 19-20x2 longsword) or +7 ranged (1d10 crit 19-20x2)

Skills: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +8, Heal +7, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +5, Ride (horse) +6, Search +2, Spot +5

Feats: Dodge, Lighting Reflexes, Quick Draw, Power Attack

Reputation: Fame - 0  Infamy - 0

Special Attacks: Smite Evil, Turn Undead

Special Qualities: Divine Grace, Aura of Courage, Spells, Lay on Hands

Weapons: Longsword (magical +2), Great Axe (magical +1 keen, holy, glows blue), Heavy Crossbow

Gear: Adamantine Full Plate, Large Steel Shield (magical +2 fortification light) Backpack (blanket, crowbar, 7 days rations) Belt Pouch (chalk, flint & steel, whetstone), waterskin

Languages: Common, Orc

Wealth: 0 gp, 256 hsp, 388 sp, 10 hcp, 7 cp

Description: He's UGLY!

History and Personality: