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The Forsaken: A elite Space Marine chapter

This is a Army I used at a semi-local Uni-Con tournement (It was 30 miles away..local enough for me). The mission was a Cleanse at 1000pt's, and the first day we had 2 Eldar armies, 2 Space Marine armies, 1 Imperial Guard. The second day we lost one of the Eldar players but gained a Dark Eldar player. The first day i managed a 2nd place in the competition loosing out to a Exquisitly painted Eldar army (these where painted with a "UH DAMN!" comment. If only Iwhere so good) I beat out the Eldar player and Imperial Guard player to end up in a very close fight with the other Eldar player. 2nd Day we made first draw with each other and despite him finding out his Eldar army was 30 points under 1000 points, and adding to it with permission. I managed to pull off a victory with a lot of shooting and more than my fair share of luck, then went on to win 1st place the second day. Overall it was a blast and we all had a lot of fun, I definitly plan to go next year (even if the tournement did run long and i didn't get to LARP).

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Armor Cost
Ramus (Chaplain) 1 5 5 4 4 2 5 3/4 9 3+/4(I)+ 204
Powered Armour
Bolt Pistol
Crozius Arcanum
  Command Squad 3 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ [133]
Bolter (x1)
Flamer (x1)
Meltagun (x1)
    Apothecary 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ [48]
Storm Bolter
      Narthecium Ignore first failed saving throw in unit every turn. May not be used if the Apothecary is in base-to-base contact with an enemy model. Cannot negate hits from S >= 2*T. [25]
    Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 9 3+ [18]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 185
Bolter (x4)
Meltagun (x1)
  Razorback APC 1 - 4 - - - - - - 11/11/10 [85]
Carries up to 6 Space Marines. Tank.
Lascn. & Plasma Guns
  Sergeant Linus 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 181
Bolter (x4)
Plasma Rifle (x1)
  Razorback APC 1 - 4 - - - - - - 11/11/10 [85]
Carries up to 6 Space Marines. Tank.
Lascn. & Plasma Guns
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Dreadnought 1 4 4 6/10 - - 4 2 - 12/12/10 105
Dread. CC Weapon
Storm Bolter
Assault Cannon
Land Speeder 'Tornado' 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 85
Fast, Skimmer.
Assault Cannon
Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder 'Tornado' 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 85
Fast, Skimmer.
Assault Cannon
Heavy Bolter
Devastator Squad 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 155
Heavy Bolter (x3)
Plasma Cannon (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ [15]
Total Army Cost: 1000 Pts.
And They Shall Know No Fear: Space Marines always regroup if they fall back, even if they've taken 50% casualties. They may act normally on the turn after they rally. If pursued and caught, they auto-rally and the enemy is treated as making a Sweeping Advance into them.
Drop pods: At the start of a battle where the Deep Strike rules are allowed, you can declare that your Space Marines are all using Drop Pods to deploy. Any model in Powered, Terminator or Artificer armour, and Scouts, Dreadnoughts and Land Speeders must deploy using the Deep Strike rules. Any other models stay on board ship and are not used in the game.

Models in Army: 28


Roster created with
Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998,1999 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.

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