Paper Assignments

Paper 1: Written and Oral Cultural/Historical Reports

Due: Separate date assigned for each oral/written report.

Length: 5 pp. (typed, double-spaced), plus Works Cited page; 10 or more online sources.

Grading: 20% of final grade; based on substantive content, insight into your material, focus and organization, documentation, grammar.

Topic: This assignment requires that you bring together and synthesize 10 or more different online sources from our resource webpage (see Resources). Each student will select a topic and research the cluster of online links for that topic.

(NOTE: It takes time to read and assimilate all that
material so don't put it off until the last minute.)

To keep the written report well-focused, draw an overall conclusion about the online material you researched and use it as your thesis. Then organize your paper around that thesis/conclusion. (See Organizing Your Paper.) Using a concise style, include as many specific details and brief examples from your sources as possible.

List your sources on a separate page by author, title, posted/updated date, date you accessed the online source, and online address (see MLA directions). However, instead of alphabetizing your sources, use "Numbered List of References" style. Number each source and insert that number (in parenthesis) at the end of all material paraphrased and summarized and quoted in your main text. (See Typing Directions.)

Since most of this paper will consist of summary and paraphrase (occasional short quotes are acceptable), it is crucial that you Avoid Plagiarism.

For the oral presentation, do not read your paper to the class--instead, talk to your classmates informally for about 10 minutes--share the information with them. One-page outlines for the class are strongly encouraged.

See also: Organization/Focus and MLA Documentation and Typing Directions

Paper 2: Literary Analysis: Naipaul

Due: Wed., 5/2

Length: 5 pp. (typed, double-spaced)

Grading: 20% of final grade; based on substantive content, insight into your material, focus and organization, grammar.

Topic: To be posted later.

See also: Organization/Focus and MLA Documentation and Typing Directions

Focusing/Organizing Your Paper

NOTE: Most or perhaps all of the introduction will be your own
writing, but it is OK to include a short paraphrase/quotation, properly cited.

NOTE: I hate skimpy body paragraphs that are only 1-2 sentences long; put some meat on those bones--another 6-8 sentences of details and examples and explanations, please!)

NOTE: In a short paper, do not repeat your
sub-points--much too repetitious!

MLA Documentation

If you consult any outside sources, you must include references to them in your paper. Also use standard in-text citation (author and page), and put the source information on a separate bibliography page (labeled "Works Cited"). Follow MLA directions.

The usual order of information for an online source is: author (when known), title, date the web page was posted or last updated, date you accessed the web page, and the online address (in brackets). If the web page states that the article was previously published in a journal or book, include that information first and then add the information about your online source after it.

See me if you have problems with any of this, or consult Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format (online), created by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, for information on how to list electronic sources.

Also check MLA Style: Frequently Asked Questions (online).

For more detailed information on MLA style, consult a hardcopy of the "official" MLA Handbook.

Avoid Plagiarism:

For more detailed information on MLA style, consult a hardcopy of the "official" MLA Handbook.

Typing Directions for All Papers

Use Times New Roman font, size 11 or 12. Double-space everything--no exceptions. Use one inch margins on all sides. Put your last name and page number in top-right corner (1/2 inch from top).

On the first page, in the top-left corner, put your name, your instructor's name, the class name and number, and the date. Below that, in the center of page, insert a title.

See an MLA example: Paper Format

Put all documentation on a separate page and follow MLA directions.

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