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See Dickinson biographical information at Nature, Beauty, Power: The Romantics.
Her complete poems (Johnson edition) are available here and listed by poem number. Here are several good nature poems: #130 These are the Days the Birds come back; #214 I taste a liquor never brewed; #328 A Bird came down the walk; # 722 Sweet Mountains, ye tell me no lies; # 627 The Tint I cannot take--is best; #754 My Life had stood--a Loaded Gun.
Harjo biography (1); another Harjo biography (2); read these poems: Eagle Poem, She had some horses, and September Moon.
Harjo biography (3) and link to two poems (Deer Dancer; Equinox). A poem: Perhaps the World Ends Here. A site dedicated to Harjo--with several poems.
Many more Harjo poems listed in this Index--scroll down and click titles under Harjo's name; half dozen prose poems also. Also about a dozen prose poems accompanying Canyon de Chelly paintings by Stephen Strom.
Levertov biography/scholarly commentry on her poems, plus 3 poems (Talking to Grief; September 1961; In Mind). Here is a short Levertov biography with links to 10 poems; 11 poems; 46 poems. See also Living While It May ; September 1961; Losing Track; What Were They Like.
Some Notes on Organic Form--Levertov's essay.
A number of Levertov texts set to music: Toward a Time of Renewal.
Selected Ecofeminist Poems: The Fountain; Song for Ishtar; (or Song for Ishtar [2]); Come into Animal Presence (or Come into Animal Presences [2]); An Embroidery; To the Snake (or To the Snake [2]); To the Reader; I believe the earth; O Taste and See.
See also the two poems reprinted below: The Goddess; Cancion.
The Goddess
She in whose lipservice
I passed my time,
whose name I knew, but not her face,
came upon me where I lay in Lie Castle!
Flung me across the room, and
room after room (hitting the walls, re-
bounding--to the last
sticky wall--wrenching away from it
pulled hair out!)
till I lay
outside the outer walls!
There in cold air
lying still where her hand had thrown me,
I tasted the mud that splattered my lips:
the seeds of a forest were in it,
asleep and growing! I tasted
her power!
The silence was answering my silence,
a forest was pushing itself
out of sleep between my submerged fingers.
I bit on a seed and it spoke on my tongue
of day that shone already among stars
in the water-mirror of low ground,
and a wind rising ruffled the lights:
she passed near me returning from the encounter,
she who plucked me from the close rooms,
without whom nothing
flowers, fruits, sleeps in season,
without whom nothing
speaks in its own tongue, but returns
lie for lie!
When I am the sky
a glittering bird
slashes at me with the knives of song.
When I am the sea
fiery clouds plunge into my mirrors,
fracture my smooth breath with crimson sobbing.
When I am the earth
I feel my flesh of rock wearing down:
pebbles, grit, finest dut, nothing.
When I am a woman--O, when I am
a woman,
my wells of salt brim and brim,
poems force the lock of my throat.
Mora biography (1); another Mora biography (2); and another Mora biography (3). Here are some helpful Study Notes.
Poems:Elena--PDF file; Mangos y limones; Señora X No More; In the Blood; La Migra; Crossing Borders: Journeys in Spirit--transcription of Mora's comments at a poetry reading (?); includes poems "Elena" and "Border Town: 1938."
Selected Ecofeminist Poems: Mi Madre; Unrefined; Silence like a Cool Sand; Legal Alien (another Legal Alien (2)). "Curandera" and "Our Lady of Guadalupe"; Curandera (with commentary). (Alternate copies: Curandera (3) and Our Lady of Guadelupe (2)). For more on the Guadalupe topic, see the Tonantzin/Guadalupe section on my Ecofeminist web page. Read the "Personal Critique" (scroll down the page to Agua Santa/Holy Water) for a short analysis of images of women/goddesses in Mora's writing. Here is Coatlicue´s Rules: Advice from an Aztec Goddess;
See also the two poems reprinted below: For Georgia O'Keefe and Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge.
For Georgia O'Keefe
I want
to walk,
with you
on my Texas desert,
to stand near
you straight
as a Spanish Dagger,
to see your fingers
pick a bone bouquet
touching life
where I touch death
to hold a warm, white
pelvis up
to the glaring sun
and see
your red-blue worls
to feel you touch
my eyes as you touch canvas
to unfold
giant blooms.
Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge
if the earth's old bones smile
I hear them
in the hush of this greenless forest
shining up to the gray clump of salt cedar
to black swords of mesquite
to the grace of grasses, yellow, rust
if the earth's old bones smile
I hear them shining
to strange chirps and clatters
to strange birds with necks that flow and flow
Canadian geese, sandhill cranes
stirring the air, stirring the air
if the earth's old bones smile
I hear them shining
in pools, in the mallard's green shimmer
in the startled FLAP
filling the blue with a whirl white
silent, vast
then dip of black tip
snow geese, snow geese
if the earth's old bones smile
I hear them
shining in the white of the majestic crane
the great Whoop
white neck flowing, flowing
into desert grasses
white flowing
into the smile of old bones.
Nora Naranjo-Morse--biography/links
Naranjo's Mudwoman Poems:
More information on Narango-Morse (including artwork) at my Art Tours page.
Poems: Wild Geese; A Visitor; Morning Poem; Peonies; The Mockingbirds; Sleeping in the Forest; Climbing the Chagrin River; The Journey; Poppies. (Alternate sources: Same poems (1) (plus The Swan) and same poems (2) (plus The Sun); links to 52 poems.)
More Poems: Mockingbirds; The Buddha's Last Instruction; The Summer Day; Moccasin Flowers; Wild Geese; When Death Comes; The Journey. Many Poems--mostly complete texts, but a few may be excerpts. When Death Comes; Little Summer Poem Touching the Subject of Faith; Poem [The spirit Likes to Dress Up].
Short review of her book. Scholarly comments (excerpts) on her poetry.
The Humpbacks--my favorite eco-poem, although most of the lines should be flush left.
See also the two poems reprinted below: Happiness and The Honey Tree. (Also see this related poem Honey at the Table.)
In afternoon I watched
the she-bear; she was looking
For the secret bin of sweetness--
honey, that the bees store
in the trees' soft caves.
Black block of gloom, she climbed down
tree after tree and shuffled on
through the woods. And then
she found it! The honey-house deep
as heartwood, and dipped into it
among the swarming bees--honey and comb
she lipped and tongued and scooped out
in her black nails, until
maybe she grew full, or sleepy, or maybe
a little drunk, and sticky
down the rugs of her arms,
and began to hum and sway.
I saw her let go of the branches,
I saw her lift her honeyed muzzle
into the leaves, and her thick arms,
as though she would fly--
an enormous bee
all sweetness and wings--
down into the meadows, the perfection
of honeysuckle and roses and clover--
to float and sleep in the sheer nets
swaying from flower to flower
day after shining day.
The Honey Tree
And so at last I climbed
the honey tree, ate
the bodies of bees that could not
get out of my way, ate
the dark hair of the leaves,
the rippling bark,
the heartwood. Such
frenzy! But joy does that,
I'm told, in the beginning.
Later, maybe,
I'll come here only
sometimes and with a
middling hunger. But now
I climb like a snake,
I clamber like a bear to
the nuzzling place, to the light
salvaged by the thighs
of bees and racked up
in the body of the tree.
Oh, anyone can see
how I love myself at last!
how I love the world! climbing
by day or night
in the wind, in the leaves, kneeling
at the secret rip, the cords
of my body stretching
and singing in the
heaven of appetite
Read these poems: Canyon de Chelly; A Designated National Park; It Was that Indian; Starting at the Bottom. Ortiz Index--many more poems listed here;scroll down to Ortiz's name.
Here is a student essay on Ortiz's use of the Coyote figure in his poetry. For more information on Native American trickster figures, see my Native American Trickster Tales web page.
Rogers biography/links/poems (Counting What the Cactus Contains; Nearing Autobiography). Opus from Space; Dream of the Marsh Wren; The Family Is All; The Hummingbird. Another Roger's poem: Animals and People: Human Heart in Conflict with Itself. More great poems: Geocentric; Rolling Naked.
Two Rogers poems--"Idée Fixe" and "Sensual Deprivation." Two more Rogers poems--"Fossil Texts on Canyon Walls" and "The Defining Point."
Herndon's Book Review of Firekeeper--short introduction to important collection of poems by Roger.
Ecotopia Biography; Snyder biography; Short Snyder biography.
Poems: Riprap; Milton by Firelight; Smokey the Bear Sutra; "Riprap" and "This Poem is for Bear"; How Poetry Comes to Me; Axe Handles; Hay For The Horses; For All; Old Bones; John Muir on Mt. Ritter; Rolling in at Twilight; On Top; What You Should Know to be a Poet; How to Make Stew in the Pinacate Desert: Recipe for Locke & Drum; Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout--scroll down the page; Piute Creek; Soy Sauce; Magpie's Song; "Toji" Shington temple, Kyoto; Why I Take Good Care of my Macintosh; Covers the Ground. In a Dark Time . . .the Eye Begins to See--comments on Snyder's later poetry; includes complete texts of "Call of the Wild"; "The Canyon Wren"; "The Bear Mother"; and "Afloat." See also: 9 Poems; 30 Poems; 2 Poems; 9 Snyder poems.
Essays by Snyder: Unnatural Writing--Snyder essay from A Place in Space; selection from A Place in Space; Buddhist Anarchism--essay by Snyder; another Snyder essay: Early Green Thinking.
Scholarly Criticism: Gary Snyder, Dôgen, and "The Canyon Wren"--scholarly article. See also: Response to Gary Snyder, Dôgen, and The Canyon Wren. Read Poem as Work-Place: GS's Ecological Poetics--scholarly article about Snyder's poetry. Singing The Dyads: The Chinese Landscape Scroll and Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End--Hunt's scholarly article. Scholarly Criticism (excerpts and full articles) on his poems.
Use Snyder's Points for a `New Nature Poetics (scroll down the screen to find it) as criteria for evaluating how eco-conscious nature poetry is. This short commentary on Basic materials for a Counterculture is helpful. See also Questions for Reading and Discussion.
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Updated: 4-25-13