PR Women, Art, & Poetry, Part 1h

Pre-Raphaelite Women

The Art-Sisters Gallery: Stillman

'Love's Messenger' by Marie Spartali Stillman

Love's Messenger by Marie Spartali Stillman

* Marie Spartali Stillman


"Messer Ansaldo Showing Madonna Dianora his Enchanted Garden"

by Marie Spartali Stillman. See large detailed image here.

NOTE: Pursued by Ansaldo, the married Dianora told him
she would never grant his suit until he made her midwinter
garden bloom with midsummer flowers. Aided by a magician,
Ansaldo did it. Her husband ordered her to honor her promise.
Not to be outdone in courtesy, Ansaldo released her from
her promise. (Boccaccio, Decameron, day x. 5.)


"Girl Playing Music"
by Marie Spartali Stillman


Madonna Pietra degli Scrogvigni
by Marie Spartali Stillman


La Pensierosaby Marie Spartali Stillman


"Sir Tristram and Queen Yseult" (otherwise known as

"Sir Tristram and La Belle Fronde") by Marie Spartali Stillman


Dante at Verona by Marie Spartali Stillman


"Dante and Beatrice (from Dante's 'Vita Nuova')"

by Marie Spartali Stillman


"First Meeting of Petrarch and Laura in
the Church of Santa Chiara at Avignon"
by Marie Spartali Stillman


"The Pilgrim Folk" by Marie Spartali Stillman

"By a Clear Well, within a Little Field"
by Marie Spartali Stillman

"Pharmakeutria" (Brewing the Love Philtre)
by Marie Spartali Stillman


"Antigone" by Marie Spartali Stillman


"The Long Walk at Kelmscott Manor Oxfordshire"

by Marie Spartali Stillman


"The Garden at Kelmscott Manor"

by Marie Spartali Stillman


"Blossom" by Marie Spartali Stillman


"The Childhood of St. Cecilia"
by Marie S. Stillman


"Portrait of a Young Woman"
by Marie Spartali Stillman

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Related Resources:

PR Women, Art, & Poetry: Index

DG Rossetti & the Male Gaze

Christina Rossetti, PR Poet

PR Models, Lovers, Sisters

PR Brotherhood Gallery

PR Literature & Art: Resources

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Updated: 2-14-17

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