Engl. 772-35 Period in Literature:
American Realism

Contexts: Cultural and Historical
1. Overviews of the Period
2. Labor Unrest and Reform
3. Tenement Life and Immigration Issues
4. Birth Control and Sexuality
- Emma Goldman--famous feminist-anarchist
- Emma Goldman, Traffic in Women--by one of the great reformer/anarachists of the
Progressive Era.
- White Slave Crusades: Race, Gender, and Anti-Vice Activism, 1887-1917--review of scholarly study.
- Women, Sexuality, and Morality in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era--class differences, birth control, prostitution, etc.
- Margaret Sanger--birth-control advocate.
- Margaret Sanger's "Deeds of Terrible Virtue"--biography of famous birth control advocate.
- Legislating Woman's Morals--Sanger's argument against comstockery.
- Anthony Comstock--creator of the obscenity laws in the Progressive Era.
- The Custom
House Levee District--short article on prostitution, gambling,
and corruption in Chicago.
- Sexual Geography and Gender Economy: The Furnished Room Districts of Chicago, 1890- 1930--excerpt from scholarly study.
- Menace of Undesirables: The Eugenics Movement during the Progressive Era.
- Evangelical Engagements with Eugenics, 1900-1940--reprint of ascholarly article.
- Moral Purity Campaigns, Middle-Class Clubwomen,
and the California Red Light Abatement Act.
"The Weaker Sex" by Charles Dana Gibson
5. The New Woman, Suffragists, Gibson Girls
"Horticultural Building, World's Fair, Chicago" by Childe Hassam
6. World's Fair, Cultural Exhibits, Urban Planning
7. Urban Art: Gilded Age Impressionists and the Ash Can School

"Winter in Union Square" by Childe Hassam
(Impressionist urban scene)

"Men of the Docks" by George Bellows
(Ash Can urban scene)
8. Social Darwinism, Robber Barons, and Muckrakers
9. Afro-American Issues
10. The West: Native Americans and the End of the Frontier
Wounded Knee Massacre:
Additional Resources:
Theodore Roosevelt in the West
11. The Conservation Movement
12. American Imperialism and the Spanish-American War
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Updated: 10-24-12