
Cuban, Mexican, Spanish, & Italian
Women Painters:

1893 Chicago World's Fair and Exposition

Compiled by K. L. Nichols.



Cuban Women Painters

This Page:
Elvira Martinez de Melero

Mexican Women Painters

This Page:
Julia Escalante

Spanish Women Painters

This Page:
Julia Alcayde y Montoya
Elena Brockman y Llanos
Fernanda Frances Arribas
Adela Ginés y Ortiz
Maria Luisa de la Riva
Maria Pirala

Italian Women Painters

This Page:
Maria Martinetti



Cuban Women Painters



Elvira Martinez de Melero [Mileto] ( ? - ? )

Vases with Roses 1922
--representative work.

In Havana Harbor (image unavailable)
--exhibited in the Woman's Building,
1893 Exposition.

A landscape and two "studies of a head"
(images unavailable)-- also exhibited in the
Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

The well-known Cuban artist Elvira Martinez de Melero was married to painter Miguel Angel Melero. No other information is available online.



Mexican Women Painters



Julia Escalante (1854 - 1900)

--representative work

The Milk Carrier
--exhibited in the Board Room,
Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

Three oil paintings--no titles given (images unavailable)
--exhibited in the Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.
Might include The Milk Carrier (see above).

The Mexican artist Julia Escalante was born into the family of an attorney of colonial aristocratic heritage. She was educated at the prestigious Colegio de Vizcaínas and likely trained by a major male artist from the National School of Fine Arts (the Academy did not accept women students). She exhibited in Academy exhibitions, but also was the administrator of the family business after her father passed on.



Spanish Women Painters



Julia Alcayde y Montoya (1865 - 1936)


--representative work

Roses in a Vase--
representative work.


Post of my Street 1899--
representative work.


Fruta--representative work


--representative work.


representative work.

The Great Square (image unavailable)--
exhibited in Fine Arts Palace, 1893 Exposition.

A Lunch (image unavailable)--exhibited in
Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

Julia Alcayde was born in Gijón and grew up in Madrid where her artist brother Fermin taught her the fundamentals of painting.  Later, through his influence, she was mentored by painter Don Manuel Ramirez, a professor at the School of Arts and Crafts.  She exhibited regularly in Spain and Germany, as well as internationally.  She was the first Asturian woman to dedicate herself to painting and she won many medals at exhibitions.


Elena Brockman y Llanos ( c. 1850 - 1946 )

(Note: "Elena" is incorrectly spelled "Elisa" in the Exposition records.)

Fanny Keats, Sister of
the Poet John Keats
1890--representative work.

La Ciociara 1887--
representative work.

Outside a Roman Hostelry 1887--representative work.

A Procession in the Cloisters of
San Juan de los Reyes de Toledo
1892--exhibited in Rotunda,
Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition

Born into a prestigious family from Madrid, Elena Brockman y Llanos was the child of Leopoldo Brockmann González-Losada and Isabel Beatriz de Llanos Keast and the granddaughter of the writer Valentín María de Llanos Gutiérrez. She received her early training from her artist-uncle Juan Llanos y Keats (relative of the famous poet John Keats) and from Jose Benlliure at the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid and later from Joaquin Sorolla in Rome. No other information is available online.


Fernanda Francés y Arribas (1862- 1939)

Vase of Lilacs 1897--representative work.

[title unknown]--representative work.

Field Flowers amd Crabs (images unavailable)--
exhibited in the Fine Arts Palace, 1893 Exposition.

On the Garden Bench, Roses, Cangrajos (shell fish),
and Wild Flowers (images unavailable)--
exhibited in the Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

Fernanda Francés, born in Valencia, studied art with her brother Juan Francés Mexia and with her father, the painter Plácido Francés y Pascual (who was a cousin of painter Emilio Sala and also exhibited at the 1893 Exposition). She also studied under Sebastien Gesso, a specialist in still life and flowers.  She taught in the female section at the Escuela de Artes y Oficinos and at the Escuela del Hogar, both in Madrid, and was the first woman to participate in a Pinelo exhibition (1902).  She married painter José Cayetano Vallcorba.


Adela Ginés y Ortiz (1847 - 1918 ?)

Pamela with Bird's Nest
--representative work.

My Little Children--
representative work.

Casa de vecindad--representative work.

Grain of Wheat and Plate of Fruit (images unavailable)--
exhibited in Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

Painter and sculptor, Adela Ginés was born in Madrid where she studied art at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando under Carlos de Haes and Sebastian Gessa, a specialist in still life and flowers.  A champion for women's advancement, she taught at the Association for the Education of Women, exhibited often, and won a number of awards.  She also exhibited the plaster sculpture Struggle for Life (image unavailable) in the Fine Arts Palace, 1893 Exposition. No other information is available online.


Maria Luisa de la Riva (1859 -1926)

(Alternate name: María Luisa de la Riva y Callol de Muñoz)


La Marchande de fleurs à Madrid
c. 1885--representative work.


representative work.


Pamela with Bird's Nest
--representative work.


Still Life [untitled]--
representative work.

A Florist and A Bunch of Flowers (images unavailable)
--exhibited in the Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

María Luisa de la Riva was perhaps the most important Spanish artist of the 19th Century. She was born in Zaragoza, Spain, and studied art with sculptor Mariano Bellver, with painter Antonio Pérez Rubio, and with still-life specialist Sebastian Gessa. She often exhibited internationally and won many awards. She was also an active member of the Union of Women Painters and Sculptors of Vienna which promoted women artists (women painters were not admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid). After her marriage to the painter Domingo Muñoz Cuesta, she resided in Paris which was more tolerant of women artists, exhibited in the French salons, and set up training for women painters.


María Pirala y Alcain (1864 - 1937)

Veduta di Sorrento
c. 1885--representative work.

Sea Fish and Autumn Flowers (images unavailable)--
exhibited in Fine Arts Palace, 1893 Exposition.

Shell Fish and Autumn Flowers (images unavailable)--
exhibited in the Woman's Building, 1893 Exposition.

María Pirala was a painter from Madrid who studied under Sebastien Gesso, a specialist in still life and flowers. She regularly exhibited in Madrid. No other information is available online.



Italian Women Painters



Maria Martinetti (1864 - 1921)

The Winning Move 1902--representative work.


Arab Beauty 1892
--representative work.


Italienischer Saenger
mit seiner Mandoline

--representative work.

Desert Scene [title unknown]
--representative work


The Game
--representative work.


[Title unknown] 1892--
Is this image The Beggar
exhibited in the Fine Arts
Palace, 1893 Exposition?

Garden with Well
--representative work.

Malaria (image unavailable)--exhibited in
the Fine Arts Palace, 1893 Exposition.

Maria Martinetti studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with Gustavo Simoni. Based in Rome, she exhibited there and in Venice and Paris before moving in the 1890s to northern California where she exhibited in San Francisco. No other information is available online.



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These pages are for educational use only.

Text written by K. L. Nichols

Painting, top of page: Marie Konstantinovna
Bashkirtseff, In the Studio (1881).

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Suggestions/Comments: knichols11@cox.net
Posted: 6-25-02; Updated: 5-23-19