American Drama 565
Chronological Index
Anna Cora Mowatt
George Aiken (and Harriet Beecher Stowe)
- Uncle Tom--complete text by Aiken.
- Uncle
Tom's Cabin and American Culture--wonderful
site, primarily on Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, but
with many links to related materials. See Uncle
Tom's Cabin on Stage--browse the links. See in particular, Sentimental
Culture; Reviewing
Uncle Tom Onstage--see reviews of
Aiken's Uncle Tom and other reviews; and Tom
Shows--interesting article in
Scribners Magazine, 1925. and Aunt
Harriet Beecher Stowe--popular anti-Stowe
(pro-slavery) song.
- Blackface
Minstrelsy 1830-1852--several links.
- Minstrel Shows--long
and thorough essay on the minstrel tradition, including the popular "Tom Shows."
- Uncle
Sam's Uncle Tom--short background on Stowe,
Aiken, and slavery; Harriet
Beecher Stowe--short biography of author of
Uncle Tom's Cabin (novel).
- Abolitionism
1830-1850--see, in particular, the
"Interpret" link at bottom of page (then click
"Interpretive Exhibits")--all the essays, but
"Topsy and Eva" in particular.
- Sympathetic
Vibrations: The Politics of Antebellum Melodrama--Mark
Mullen's interesting redefinition of melodrama. See
especially Project
Context and Chapter
- Characteristics of Melodrama.
Susan Glaspell
Georgia Douglas Johnson
Eugene O'Neill
Sophie Treadwell
Elmer Rice
Clifford Odets
Lillian Hellman
Thornton Wilder
Arthur Miller
Tennessee Williams
Lorraine Hansberry
Edward Albee
Adrienne Kennedy
Sam Shepard
Marsha Norman
Maria Irene Fornes
Ntozake Shange
David Mamet
Suzan-Lori Parks
David Henry Hwang
August Wilson
Tony Kushner
Paula Vogel
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