Lois Mailou Jones, Initiation, Liberia
"Ain't I a Woman?"
Slavery and Freedom Literature
(Part B)
Part A: Abolitionist and Slavery Literature
Part B:
Neo-Slave / Freedom Literature
Part C: Resources: History,Theory,Topics
Neo-Slave and Freedom
Lois Mailou Jones, Ethiopia Climbing
James Baldwin
- Sonny's Blues--e-text.
- Class Lecture on 'Sonny's Blues'--helpful background and comments.
- "Simply a menaced boy": Analogizing Color, Undoing Dominance in James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room --scholarly article.
- "Payin' one's dues": Expatriation as Personal Experience and Paradigm in the Works of James Baldwin--scholarly article.
- Beneath the Black Aesthetic: James Baldwin's Primer of Black American Masculinity--scholarly article.
- "I'm not the boy you want": Sexuality, "Race," and Thwarted Revolution in Baldwin's 'Another Country'--scholarly article
- "No Justice, No Peace": The Figure of Emmett Till in African American Literature--scholarly article covering Baldwin and other writers.
- The 'Maw of Western Culture': James Baldwin and the Anxieties of Influence --scholarly article.
Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones)
- Biography/Historical Contexts
- Online Poems --6 poems.
- Baraka links--to study aids, scholarly articles, biographical information.
- LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka and the Limits of Open Form --scholarly article.
- Baraka's Billie Holiday as a Blues Poet of Black Longing --scholarly article.
- "Pat your foot and turn the corner": Amiri Baraka, the Black Arts Movement, and the Poetics of a Popular Avant-garde --scholarly article.
- On the Sound of Water: Amiri Baraka's "Black Art" --scholarly article.
- The Logic of Retribution: Amiri Baraka's Dutchman --scholarly article.
- Baraka's Bohemian Blues --scholarly article.
- LeRoi Jones, Larry Neal, and The Cricket: Jazz and Poets' Black Fire --scholarly article.
- Politics, Process & Performance: Amiri Baraka's 'It's Nation Time' --scholarly article.
- Contemporary African American Theater: Afrocentricity in the works of Larry Neal, Amiri Baraka, and Charles Fuller --scholarly article.
Gwendolyn Brooks
- Brooks' Life and Career. Another Brooks biography.
- Brooks biography/many poems.
- Scholarly excerpts--approaches to her poems; very helpful.
- Killing John Cabot and Publishing Black: Gwendolyn Brooks's Riot --scholarly article.
- A Prophet Overheard: A Juxtapositional Reading of Gwendolyn Brooks's "In the Mecca" --scholarly article.
- Reflecting Violence in the Warpland: Gwendolyn Brooks's Riot --scholarly article.
- The Kindergarten of New Consciousness: Brooks and the Social Construction of Childhood--Flynn's scholarly article.
- Public Subjects: Race and the Critical Reception of Gwendolyn Brooks, Erica Hunt, and Harryette Mullen --scholarly article.
- The Love Song of Satin-Legs Smith: Gwendolyn Brooks Revisits Prufrock's Hell --scholarly article.
Charles Chesnutt
- See Chesnutt Resources at my "Realist Period" web page.
Michelle Cliff
- See my Cliff Resources at my "Post-Colonial Literature" web page.
Paul Laurence Dunbar
- See Dunbar Resources at my "Realist Period" web page.
- Paul Laurence Dunbar Page--links to many, many poems.
We Wear the Mask
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,-
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream other-wise,
We wear the mask!
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Ralph Ellison
Study Aids: Invisible Man
- Holographic Tropes in Invisible Man--dream imagery
- Ralph Ellison--good overview of major themes and techniques in Invisible Man.
- Annotated Excerpt from Invisible Man--informative links to Plato, Dante, music, etc. Browse the entire site.
- Jazz Music & Lyrics --listen to "What Did I Do (To be So Black and Blue)," referred to in Ellison's Prologue. Lyrics and commentary included.
- Tricksters--many links
Novels: Reviews, Scholarly Articles
- Saul Bellow's Review of Invisible Man.
- Irving Howe's Review of Invisible Man.
- Ellison's Second Act, Visible at Last--Lightfoot's review of Juneteenth.
- Schaub's American Fiction in the Cold War--excerpt.
- Corry's "White View of Ralph Ellison"--excerpt.
- Kaiser's "A Critical Look at Ellison's Fiction"--excerpt.
- Knucklebones and Knocking-bones: The Accidental Trickster in Ellison's Invisible Man --scholarly article.
- Invisible Man and African American Radicalism in World War II --scholarly article.
- Ellison's Hemingways--scholarly article.
- Rhetoric of Anti-Communism in Invisible Man--scholarly article.
- "Ambivalent Man": Ellison's Rejection of Communism --Wolfe's scholarly article.
- Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, and the Case of Angelo Herndon--Griffiths' scholarly article on Invisible Man.
- The Art of John Coltrane and Ralph Ellison--Wright's interesting essay on jazz and literature; particularly good on the meaning of jazz.
- Plunging (Outside of) History: Naming and Self-possession in Invisible Man--scholarly article.
- Masquerade, Magic, and Carnival in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man--scholarly article.
- "1 + 1 = 3" and Other Dilemmas: Reading Vertigo in Invisible Man, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, and Song of Solomon--Thomas' scholarly article.
- Ralph Ellison as Proletarian Journalist--Foley's scholarly article on Ellison's earlier non-fiction writings.
- A Slightly Different Sense of Time": Palimpsestic Time in Invisible Man --scholarly article.
- Eloquence and Invisible Man --scholarly article.
- Invisible Desires: Homoerotic Racism and its Homophobic Critique in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man --scholarly article.
- Reading Ralph Ellison Synthesizing the CP and NAACP: Sympathetic Narrative Strategy, Sympathetic Bodies --scholarly article.
- Embracing Chaos in Narrative Form: The Bebop Aesthetic in Ellison's Invisible Man --scholarly article.
- History in Ralph Ellison's Juneteenth --scholarly article.
- Jazz Beginnings: Ralph Ellison and Charlie Christian in Oklahoma City --scholarly article.
- Aesthetic Modes in Afro-American Fiction: Alice Walker and Ralph Ellison --scholarly article.
- The "art and protest" in Ralph Ellison's "anticommunist rhetoric" --scholarly article.
- Naming Invisible Authority: Toni Morrison's Covert Letter to Ralph Ellison --scholarly article.
Short Stories and Essays
- Heath Study Guide for "King of the Bingo Game"--issues, themes, strategies.
- "King of the Bingo Game" Study Questions
- Flying Home and Other Stories --review of Ellison's short story collection.
- Writer on the Left: Class and Race in Ellison's Early Fiction --scholarly article.
Harlem Renaissance Writers
- Many links on my Jazz Age Writers web page.
Robert Hayden
- Hayden biography
- Biography/8 poems
- Monet's Waterlilies--includes some commentary on the poem.
- "Monet's Waterlilies"--3 images of the paintings on which Hayden's poem is based.
- "Middle Passage"--e-text.
- Moyo Okediji, "The Dutchman"--contemporary Yoruban painting inspired by Hayden's "Middle Passage."
- "Frederick Douglass"--poem
- El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X)--poem.
- "Those Winter Sundays"--poem
- Close Reading of "Those Winter Sundays"
- "O Daedalus, Fly Away Home"--poem
- On "O Daedalus"--scholarly commentary
- Locked in with Loss--excellent study guide; texts of 7 poems.
- Scholarly Commentary--excerpts commenting on "Middle Passage," "Runagate, Runagate," and other poems.
- Answering "The Waste Land": Robert Hayden and the Rise of the African American Poetic Sequence--Coniff's scholarly article.
- "Something patterned, wild, and free": Robert Hayden's Angles of Descent and the Democratic Unconscious--Pavlic's scholarly article.
Pauline Hopkins
- See Hopkins' Resources at "Realist Period" web page.
Langston Hughes
- See Hughes' Resources at my "Jazz Age Culture/Literature" web page.
Zora Neale Hurston
- Zora Neale Hurston Page--biography and many links
- Hurston biography--with links.
- See Hurston Resources at my "Jazz Age Literature" web page.
Short Stories
- Sweat--e-text.
- Gilded Six-bits--e-text.
- Harlem Renaissance: Zora Neale Hurston ['Spunk']--e-text.
- Hurston's 'Spunk' and Hamlet-- scholarly article.
- Black Death--e-text.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
- Finding the Pulpit, Finding Voice--article on Nanny's role in Their Eyes.
- Conjured into Being--excellent thesis discussing the storytelling methods used in Their Eyes. See especially "Signifying" and "Conjuring."
- "The Porch Couldn't Talk for Looking": Voice and Vision in 'Their Eyes'--Clarke's scholarly article.
- The Minstrel Show Goes to the Great War: Hurston's Mass Cultural Other--Trombold's scholarly article.
- "The World in a Jug and the Stopper in (her) Hand": 'Their Eyes' as Blues Performance--Johnson's scholarly article.
- Rootwork: Arthur Flowers, Zora Neale Hurston, and the "Literary Hoodoo" Tradition --scholarly article.
- "The hierarchy itself": Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and the Sacrifice of Narrative Authority--scholarly article.
- 'Ah said Ah'd save de text for you': Recontextualizing the Sermon to Tell Story in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' --scholarly article.
- 'Papa Legba, ouvrier barriere por moi passer': Esu in Their Eyes & Zora Neale Hurston's Diasporic Modernism --scholarly article.
- Predators in the 'Glades: A Signifying Animal Tale in Zora Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God --scholarly article.
- Should their Eyes Have Been Watching God? Hurston's Use of Religious Experience and Gothic Horror --scholarly article.
- Voice and Interiority in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' --scholarly article.
- 'Why don't he like my hair?': Constructing African-American Standards of Beauty in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon' and Zora Neale Hurston's 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' --scholarly article.
- 'Your heard her, you ain't blind': Seeing What's Said in Their Eyes Were Watching God --scholarly article.
- Somebody Else's Foremother: David Haynes and Zora Neale Hurston--scholarly article.
- Biblical Trees, Biblical Deliverance: Literary Landscapes of Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison --scholarly article.
- From "spy-glass" to "horizon": Tracking the Anthropological Gaze in Zora Neale Hurston --scholarly article.
- Folktales of Zora Neale Hurston--helpful lesson plan for teaching the folktales collected in Hurston's Mules and Men.
- Migrant Labor, Folklore, and Resistance in Hurston's Polk County: Reframing Mules and Men--Nicholls' scholarly article.
- The Post-modern Self in 'Dust Tracks on a Road'--Walker's scholarly article.
- Mule Bone: Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston's Dream Deferred of an African-American Theatre of the Black Word--Manuel's scholarly article.
- Waste and Whiteness: Hurston and the Politics of Eugenics --Jackson's scholarly article, primarily on Seraph on the Suwanee, with some references to several short stories.
- The Worm Against the Word: The Hermeneutical Challenge in Hurston's Jonah's Gourd Vine--Ciuba's scholarly article.
- Possessing the Self: Caribbean Identities in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Tell My Horse' --scholarly article.
Charles Johnson
- Johnson biography.
- Study Questions for Middle Passage--links at bottom of page.
- Okediji's The Dutchman--artwork
- Equiano's Autobiography, Chapter Two (The Slave Ship)--read an actual "middle passage" account.
- The Paradox of Slave Mutiny in Herman Melville, Charles Johnson, and Frederick Douglass --scholarly article.
- paradox of slave mutiny in Herman Melville, Charles Johnson, and Frederick Douglass
- Isadora at Sea: Misogyny as Comic Capital in Charles Johnson's 'Middle Passage' --scholarly article.
- Reading Rigor Mortis: Offstage Violence and Excluded Middles 'in' Johnson's 'Middle Passage' and Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Passages from the Middle: Coloniality and Postcoloniality in Charles Johnson's 'Middle Passage' --scholarly article.
- Interrogating Identity: Appropriation and Transformation in 'Middle Passage' --scholarly article.
- The African Sacrificial Kingship Ritual and Johnson's 'Middle Passage' --scholarly article.
- "Nothing Was Lost in the Masquerade": The Protean Performance of Genre and Identity in Charles Johnson's Oxherding Tale--Retman's scholarly article.
- Master-Slave Dialectics in Charles Johnson's 'The Education of Mingo' --scholarly article.
- Charles Johnson's Quest for Black Freedom in 'Oxherding Tale' --scholarly article.
Audre Lorde
- Lorde Poems--go to my "Women's Poetry" web page
Clarence Major
- Reading the Painterly Text: Clarence Major's "The Slave Trade: View from the Middle Passage"--scholarly article.
- Postmodernism, Traditional Cultural Forms, and the African American Narrative: Major's Reflex, Morrison's Jazz, and Reed's Mumbo Jumbo --scholarly article.
Paule Marshall
- Embodying Cultural Memory in Paule Marshall's Praisesong for the Widow--scholarly article.
- Sugarcane as History in Paule Marshall's "To Da-Duh, in Memoriam"--scholarly article.
- Paule Marshall's 'Brown Girl, Brownstones': Reconciling Ethnicity and Individualism--scholarly article.
- "Yesterday Comes Like Today": Communitas in Paule Marshall's "The Chosen Place, the Timeless People"--scholarly article.
- Yearning for the Homeland --Billingslea-Brown's scholarly article on Black artists Bettie Saar and Faith Ringgold and writers Morrison and Marshall's Praisesong. See my web pages for more on Saar and Ringgold.
Toni Morrison
- Morrison biography; Morrison biography 2 with some commentary on the novels.
- Review of Beloved--book and film
- The Pain of Being Black--Morrison interview
- The Garners: A Note on Margaret and Sethe in and out of History, and Morrison's Beloved--interesting article.
- An abiku-ogbanje Atlas: a pre-text for rereading Soyinka's Ake and Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- Golden gray and the talking book: identity as a site of artful construction in Toni Morrison's Jazz --scholarly article.
- Truth in timbre: Morrison's extension of slave narrative song in Beloved --scholarly article.
- The named and the nameless: Morrison's 124 and Naylor's "the other place" as semiotic chorae --scholarly article.
- Biblical trees, biblical deliverance: literary landscapes of Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison --scholarly article.
- The mother-daughter Aje relationship in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- Hiding fire and brimstone in lacy groves: the twinned trees of Beloved --scholarly article.
- The soul has bandaged moments": reading the African American gothic in Wright's "big boy leaves home," Morrison's beloved, and Gomez's Gilda --scholarly article.
- Object written, written object: slavery, scarring, and complications of authorship in Beloved --scholarly article.
- An end of Southern history: the down-home quests of Toni Morrison and Colson Whitehead --scholarly article.
- Beyond silence and realism: Trauma and the Function of ghosts in Absalom, Absalom! and Beloved --scholarly article.
- Black feminism and the canon: Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! And Morrison's Beloved as Gothic Romances --scholarly article.
- Sethe's Choice: 'Beloved' and the Ethics of Reading --Phelan's scholarly article.
- Representation, Race, and the "Language" of the Ineffable--Khayati's scholarly article on Bluest Eye and Beloved.
- Violence, Home, and Community in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved.'--Jesser's scholarly article.
- Models of Memory and Romance: The Dual Endings of Beloved--Carden's scholarly article.
- A New Hystery: History and Hysteria in Toni Morrison's Beloved--Parker's scholarly article.
- "Postmodern Blackness": Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' and the End of History--Davis' scholarly article.
- Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison's Fiction--Ryan's scholarly article on Beloved and other novels.
- Looking into the Self That Is No Self: ...Subjectivity in Beloved--Holden-Kirwan's scholarly article.
- Ideologies in Conflict, Improvised Subjects--Keiser's scholarly article.
- The Story Must Go On and On: The Fantastic, Narration, and Intertextuality in Jazz and Beloved--Cutter's scholarly article.
- Slave Narrative Retentions in African-American Women's Writings about Madness--influence on Morrison's Beloved and other contemporary women writers.
- Transforming the Chain into Story: The Making of Communal Meaning in Toni Morrison's Beloved--Cowan-Barbetti's scholarly article.
- Notes on Beloved as an Embodiment of Slavery and Social Death--scholarly article.
- To Be Loved: Amy Denver and Human Need-Bridges to Understanding in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- The Unspeakable Stories of 'Shoah' and 'Beloved' --scholarly articles.
- Inscriptions in the Dust: [Gaines'] A Gathering of Old Men and Beloved as Ancestral Requiems--scholarly article
- Postcolonial Experience in a Domestic Context: Commodified Subjectivity in Toni Morrison's Beloved--scholarly article.
- "To be Loved and Cry Shame": A Psychological Reading of Toni Morrison's Beloved--scholarly article
- An Abiku-ogbanje Atlas: A Pre-text for Rereading Soyinka's Ake and Morrison's Beloved--scholarly article.
- Revisioning History through Literary Characters: Louise Erdrich's Pauline and Toni Morrison's Beloved--scholarly article.
- "Signifyin(g)" upon Huck Finn: Morrison's Beloved as Cultual Artifact--Fukase's scholarly article.
- Utopia Limited: Post-Sixties and Postmodern American Fiction --DeKoven's scholarly article on Morrison and Doctorow.
- To Be Loved: Amy Denver and Human Need-Bridges to Understanding in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- 'The soul has bandaged moments': Reading the African American Gothic in Wright's 'Big Boy Leaves Home,' Morrison's 'Beloved,' and Gomez's 'Gilda' --scholarly article.
- Biblical Trees, Biblical Deliverance: Literary Landscapes of Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison --scholarly article.
- The Mother-Daughter Aje Relationship in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- The Named and the Nameless: Morrison's 1 2 4 and Naylor's "The Other Place" as Semiotic Chorae --scholarly article.
- Truth in Timbre: Morrison's Extension of Slave Narrative Song in Beloved --scholarly article.
- 'From the Seen to the Told': The Construction of Subjectivity in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- Reading Rigor Mortis: Offstage Violence and Excluded Middles 'in' Johnson's 'Middle Passage' and Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Insignificant Monkeys: Preaching Black English in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Beloved --scholarly article.
- Spitting out the seed: Ownership of mother, child, breasts, milk, and voice in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- Is Morrison Also among the Prophets?: "Psychoanalytic" Strategies in 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- 'Sula' and 'Beloved': Images of Cain in the Novels of Toni Morrison --scholarly article.
- "To take the sin out of slicing trees ...": The Law of the Tree in 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Reading at the Cultural Interface: The Corn Symbolism of 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- "From the Seen to the Told": The Construction of Subjectivity in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- 'Beloved' and the Problem of Mourning --scholarly article.
- Narrative and Community Crisis in 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Models of Memory and Romance: The Dual Endings of Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Trauma and the Specters of Enslavement in Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Beyond the "Literary Habit": Oral Tradition and Jazz in 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Function or Frill: The Quilt as Storyteller in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- A Love Supreme: Jazzthetic Strategies in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- The Roots of the Body in Toni Morrison: A Mater of 'Ancient Properties' --scholarly article.
- Is Morrison Also among the Prophets?: "Psychoanalytic" Strategies in 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Myth, Metaphor, and Memory in Toni Morrison's Reconstructed South --scholarly article.
- Missing Peace in Toni Morrison's 'Sula' and 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- "Ten minutes" for Seven Letters": Song as Key to Narrative Revision in Toni Morrison's Belov --scholarly article.
- Southern Landscape as Psychic Landscape in Toni Morrison's Fiction --scholarly article.
- Southern Ethos / Black Ethics in Toni Morrison's Fiction --scholarly article.
- Imagining Slavery: Toni Morrison and Charles Johnson --scholarly article.
- Reader, Text, and Subjectivity: Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' as Lacan's Gaze qua Object --scholarly article.
- Spitting out the Seed: Ownership of Mother, Child, Breasts, Milk, and Voice in Toni Morrison's Beloved --scholarly article.
- "I been worried sick about you, too, Macon": Toni Morrison, the South, and the Oral Tradition --scholarly article.
- Hiding Fire and Brimstone in Lacy Groves: The Twinned Trees of Beloved --scholarly article.
- Modern Medea: A Family Story of Slavery and Child-Murder from the Old South --book review.
The Bluest Eye
- Study Guide for The Bluest Eye--helpful
- Teaching The Bluest Eye--article
- North American Fiction and Film: The Bluest Eye--good commentary on the novel
- Geneology of Rejection in Bluest Eye--good essay
- Ownership and the Loss of Communal Ties in The Bluest Eye--student article
- Representation, Race, and the "Language" of the Ineffable in Toni Morrison's Narrative--Khayati's scholarly article on Bluest Eye and Beloved
- The Blues Aesthetic in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye--Moses' scholarly article.
- The Fourth Face: The Image of God in The Bluest Eye --Alexander's scholarly article.
- Periodizing Toni Morrison's Work from 'The Bluest Eye' to 'Jazz': The Importance of 'Tar Baby" --scholarly study.
- Focusing on the Wrong Front: Historical Displacement, the Maginot Line, and The Bluest Eye --scholarly study.
- 'The Bluest Eye': Notes on History, Community, and Black Female Subjectivity --scholarly study.
- Insignificant Monkeys: Preaching Black English in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Beloved --scholarly study.
- Toni Morrison and the Burden of the Passing Narrative --scholarly study.
- The Politics of Abuse: The Traumatized Child in Toni Morrison and Marguerite Duras --scholarly study.
- Naming Invisible Authority: Toni Morrison's Covert Letter to Ralph Ellison --scholarly article.
- A critical divination: reading Sula as ogbanje-abiku --scholarly article.
- Heath Study Guide for Sula
- Study Questions: Sula--links to short answers
- Gender-Voice-Vernacular--helpful review of a scholarly book on the development of the female voice in novels by Hurston, Morrison, and Walker.
- Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison's Fiction--Ryan's scholarly article on Beloved and other novels.
- The Lilith Figure in Morrison's Sula and Walker's Color Purple--Seidel's essay
- Lilith--see my Goddess web page.
- black voice and the language of the text: Toni Morrison's Sula --Ryan's scholarly
- Something Other Than a Family Quarrel: The Beautiful Boys in Morrison's Sula --scholarly article.
- War and Peace: Transfigured Categories and the Politics of 'Sula' --scholarly article.
- New World Woman: Toni Morrison's 'Sula' --scholarly article.
- Toni Morrison's 'Sula': A Satire on Binary Thinking --scholarly article.
- Missing Peace in Toni Morrison's 'Sula' and 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- 'Sula' and 'Beloved': Images of Cain in the Novels of Toni Morrison --scholarly study.
- The Roots of the Body in Toni Morrison: A Mater of 'Ancient Properties' --scholarly article.
Tar Baby
- Study Guide: Tar Baby--helpful.
- Struggling with a History of Capitalism in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby --student essay.
- The Inauthentic Tar Baby --student essay.
- Periodizing Toni Morrison's Work from 'The Bluest Eye' to 'Jazz': The Importance of 'Tar Baby" --scholarly study.
- Tar Baby and Womanist Theology --scholarly article.
- Yearning for the Homeland --Billingslea-Brown's scholarly article on Black artists Bettie Saar and Faith Ringgold and writers Morrison and Marshall. See my web pages for more on Saar and Ringgold.
- Foreign Exotic or Domestic Drudge? The African American Woman in "Quicksand" and "Tar Baby"--Rayson's scholarly article.
- Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby--version of the old folktale.
- Being and "truth": 'Tar Baby's' Signifying on Sylvia Plath's Bee Poems --scholarly article.
- The Roots of the Body in Toni Morrison: A Mater of 'Ancient Properties' --scholarly article.
Song of Solomon
- Dead letter office: conspiracy, trauma, and Song of Solomon's posthumous communication --scholarly article.
- An end of Southern history: the down-home quests of Toni Morrison and Colson Whitehead --scholarly article.
- Alternatives to the "talking cure": black music as traumatic testimony in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon --scholarly article.
- Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison's Fiction--Ryan's scholarly article; Song of Solomon discussed in long section at the end.
- The Fathers May Soar: Folklore and Blues in Song of Solomon--thesis
- The Icarus Myth in Song of Solomon--student review.
- Memory and the Quest for Family History in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Song of Solomon--Vega-Gonzalez' scholarly article.
- Lecture on Song of Solomon--raises a number of important issues.
- Song of Solomon--version found in Bible; here is a good alternate source.
- Keys to the Song of Solomon--biblical interpretations.
- "1 + 1 = 3" and Other Dilemmas: Reading Vertigo in Invisible Man, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, and Song of Solomon--Thomas' scholarly article.
- Beyond Realism: The Fictions of Toni Morrison --excerpt from a scholarly article.
- Like an Eagle in the Air: Toni Morrison --excerpt from a scholarly article comparing Song of Solomon and Invisible Man.
- The Dilemma of "Double-Consciousness": Toni Morrison's Novels --excerpt from a scholarly book.
- The Postmodernist Rag: Political Identity and the Vernacular in Song of Solomon --excerpt from a scholarly article.
- From Orality to Literacy: Oral Memory in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon --excerpt from a scholarly article.
- Call and Response: Voice, Community and Dialogic Structures in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon --excerpt from a scholarly article.
- The Voices of Toni Morrison --excerpt from a scholarly book.
- Introduction --excerpt from a scholarly collection.
- The South in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomo: Initiation, Healing, and Home --scholarly article.
- Southern Landscape as Psychic Landscape in Toni Morrison's Fiction --scholarly article.
- 'Why don't he like my hair?': Constructing African-American Standards of Beauty in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon' and Zora Neale Hurston's 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' --scholarly article.
- 'Anaconda love': Parental Enmeshment in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon' --scholarly article.
- Dead Letter Office: Conspiracy, Trauma, and Song of Solomon's Posthumous Communication --scholarly article.
- 'Every Goodbye Ain't Gone': The Semiotics of Death, Mourning, and Closural Practice in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon' --scholarly article.
- William Faulkner Reprised: Isolation in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon --scholarly article.
- To Cheer the Weary Traveler: Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, and History --scholarly article.
- Southern Ethos / Black Ethics in Toni Morrison's Fiction --scholarly article.
- "I been worried sick about you, too, Macon": Toni Morrison, the South, and the Oral Tradition --scholarly article.
- Dead Letter Office: Conspiracy, Trauma, and Song of Solomon's Posthumous Communication --scholarly article.
- Domestic violence in the Harlem Renaissance: remaking the record in Nella Larsen's Passing and Toni Morrison's Jazz --scholarly article.
- Chronology of Morrison's Jazz--study aid
- Jazz: Readng Notes--study aid.
- ClassicNotes on Jazz--study aid.
- Women's Classic Blues in Jazz--Sherard's scholarly article
- Toni Morrison's Jazz and the City--Paquet-Deyris' scholarly article.
- The Story Must Go On and On: The Fantastic, Narration, and Intertextuality in Jazz and Beloved--Cutter's scholarly article.
- Recreating the Black Self: The Hidden Text in Toni Morrison's Jazz--Soo Ping's article
- Singing the Blues/Reclaiming Jazz: Toni Morrison and Cultural Mourning--scholarly essay.
- Trading Meanings: The Breath of Music in Toni Morrison's Jazz--Pici's scholarly article
- Golden Gray and the Talking Book: Identity as a Site of Artful Construction in Toni Morrison's Jazz--Brown's scholarly article.
- From Faulkner to Morrison: "Jazzing Up" the American Nobel Prize Heritage--scholarly article.
- Kinds of Blue: Toni Morrison, Hans Janowitz, and the Jazz Aesthetic --scholarly article.
- Following the Traces of Female Desire in Toni Morrison's 'Jazz' --scholarly article.
- Domestic Violence in the Harlem Renaissance: Remaking the Record in Nella Larsen's Passing and Toni Morrison's Jazz --scholarly article.
- Postmodernism, Traditional Cultural Forms, and the African American Narrative: Major's Reflex, Morrison's Jazz, and Reed's Mumbo Jumbo --scholarly article.
- Answer Jazz's Call: Experiencing Toni Morrison's 'Jazz' --scholarly article.
- A Love Supreme: Jazzthetic Strategies in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' --scholarly article.
- Traces of Derrida in Toni Morrison's 'Jazz' --scholarly article.
- 'Sth, I know that woman': History, gender, and the South in Toni Morrison's 'Jazz' --scholarly article.
- The Roots of the Body in Toni Morrison: A Mater of 'Ancient Properties' --scholarly article.
- Jazz ... on 'The Site of Memory' --scholarly article.
- Figuring in, Figuring out: Narration and Negotiation in Toni Morrison's Jazz --scholarly article.
- Passing on" death: stealing life in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- The Other side of paradise: Toni Morrison's making of mythic history --scholarly article.
- As if word magic had anything to do with the courage it took to be a man": black masculinity in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Literary free jazz? Mumbo Jumbo and Paradise: language and meaning --scholarly article.
- What would be on the other side?": spectrality and spirit work in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Paradise--study guide.
- Everything About Her Had Two Sides to It": The Foreigner's Home in Toni Morrison's "Paradise" --scholarly article.
- Paradise Lost: A Black Community Tears Itself Apart--Turner's book review
- Book Review by Shockley.
- Book Review by Whitten
- Utopia Lost and Found--book review
- Conversation: Toni Morrison--PBS interview
- The Salon Interview: Toni Morrison by Zia Jaffrey--Morrison talks about her novel Paradise, her marriage, and O.J. Simpson.
- Paradise Found: A Talk with Toni Morrison--interview.
- Furrowing all the Brows: Interpretation and the Transcendent in Toni Morrison's Paradise--Page's scholarly article.
- The One All-Black Town Worth the Pain: (African) American Exceptionalism, Historical Narration, and the Critique of Nationhood in Toni Morrison's Paradise--Dalsgard's scholarly article.
- Racial stock and 8-rocks: Communal Historiography in Toni Morrison's 'Paradise'--scholarly article.
- Reading and insight in Toni Morrison's Paradise--scholarly article
- 'As if word magic had anything to do with the courage it took to be a man': Black Masculinity in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- The Other Side of Paradise: Toni Morrison's Making of Mythic History --scholarly article.
- Creating the Beloved Community: Religion, Race, and Nation in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- 'Passing on' Death: Stealing Life in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Hybridizing the 'City upon a Hill' in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Re-imagining Agency: Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Playing on the "Darky": Blackface Minstrelsy, Identity Construction, and the Deconstruction of Race in Toni Morrison's Paradise --scholarly article.
- Literary Free Jazz? Mumbo Jumbo and Paradise: Language and Meaning --scholarly article.
- The Religious Overtones of Ethnic Identity-Builiding in Toni Morrison's Paradise--scholarly article.
- Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination --book review.
- (Review) Playing in the Dark.
- The New Face of America: On the Backs of Blacks--Time article by Morrison on racism and immigration, and Huck Finn's Pap.
- Burden of the Passing Narrative --Bennett's scholarly article--covers a number of Morrison novels.
- Toni Morrison and the American Tradition: A Rhetorical Reading--Lewis' book review.
- The Identifying Fictions of Toni Morrison: Modernist Authenticity and Postmodern Blackness--interesting review of Duvall's scholarly book; covers a number of Morrison's novels.
Gloria Naylor
- Suicide or Messianic Self-Sacrifice?: Exhuming Willa's Body in Gloria Naylor's Linden Hills--scholarly article.
- The Ethnographer's Story: Mama Day and the Specter of Relativism--Blyn's scholarly article.
- The Named and the Nameless: Morrison's 124 and Naylor's "The Other Place" as Semiotic Chorae --scholarly article.
- Gloria Naylor's Mama Day: Bridging Roots and Routes --scholarly article.
Ishmael Reed
- Postmodernism, Ethnicity and Underground Revisionism in Ishmael Reed--Mikics' scholarly article (endnotes on a separate page).
- Postmodernism, Traditional Cultural Forms, and the African American Narrative: Major's Reflex, Morrison's Jazz, and Reed's Mumbo Jumbo --scholarly article.
- Racial Discourse and Black-Japanese Dynamics in Ishmael Reed's Japanese by Spring --scholarly article.
- Campus Xenophobia and the Multicultural Project: Ethical Criticism and Ishmael Reed's 'Japanese by Spring' --scholarly article.
- Crossing Western Space, or the HooDoo Detective on the Boundary in Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo --scholarly article.
- Nation, Race, and Postmodern Gestures in Ishmael Reed's Flight to Canada --scholarly article.
- Ishmael Reed's Inductive Narratology of Detection--scholarly article.
- Laughter and Identity in Ishmael Reed's 'Mumbo Jumbo' --scholarly article.
- Monkey Kings and Mojo: Postmodern Ethnic Humor in Kingston, Reed, and Vizenor --scholarly article.
- Images of subversion: Ishmael Reed and the Hoodoo Trickster --scholarly article.
Ntozake Shange
- Shange Poems--go to my "Women's Poetry" page.
Alice Walker
- Walker biography
- Living by Grace--excellent site with 5-part biography.
In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens
- Our Mothers' Gardens--short but good summary of Walker's thesis
Short Stories
- Fight vs. Flight: a re-evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" --scholarly article.
- Personal Names and Heritage: "Everyday Use"--Hoel's article on African names and the quilt metaphor.
- In Spite of It All: A Reading of Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" --Whitsitt's scholarly article.
- Faith Ringgold's Quilt Art --go to my Art Tours page to see this contemporary artist's quilt images of black history/culture; links also to 19th-century tradition of black women's quilts.
- "Not my mother, not my sister, but it's me, O Lord, standing …": Alice Walker's "The Child Who Favored Daughter" as Neo-Slave Narrative --scholarly article.
Female Genital Mutilation
- Archetypal Symbolism in Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy--Moore's scholarly article.
- Review of Warrior Marks (video)
- Female Genital Mutilation--more links here.
The Color Purple
- Gender-Voice-Vernacular--helpful review of a scholarly book on the development of the female voice in novels by Hurston, Morrison, and Walker.
- Multi-disciplinary Approaches to The Color Purple--excellent site (presented at NCTE) and excellent links.
- The Lilith Figure in Morrison's Sula and Walker's Color Purple--Seidel's essay
- Philomela Speaks: Walker's Revisioning of Rape Archetypes in The Color Purple--Cutter's scholarly article.
- Aesthetic Modes in Afro-American Fiction: Alice Walker and Ralph Ellison --scholarly article.
- Walker on Flannery O'Connor--article on an early influence on Walker
- A Wind through the Heart--Walker interview on Loving Kindness in a Painful World.
- Who Touches This Touches a Woman--good article referring to a number of Walker's literary works, including her poetry.
- Sexual Healing--Scheckner's review of By the Light of my Father's Smile.
- Stripping Bark: Walker's Poetry in Confronting the Taboo--short essay
- 3 poems and 2 poems
Richard Wright
- Wright biography; Wright biography 2 with many links to historical names and Wright's own comments.
- Richard Wright--Black Boy--more information on the film and on Wright's life and works.
Native Son
- Slouching toward Beastliness: Richard Wright's Anatomy of Thomas Dixon --scholarly article.
- The Loeb and Leopold Case: a neglected source for Richard Wright's native son --scholarly article.
- Black Boys and Native Sons--Howe's review of Wright, Ellison, Baldwin.
- To Blot It All Out: The Politics of Realism in Richard Wright's 'Native Son'--Decoste's scholarly article.
- Invented by Horror: The Gothic and African American Literary Ideology in Native Son--Smethurst scholarly article.
- From No Man's Land to Mother-land: Emasculation and Nationalism in Richard Wright's Depression Era Urban Novels--Dawahare's scholarly article on Lawd Today and Native Son.
- The Power of Blackness: Richard Wright Re-Writes Moby-Dick--Schultz's scholarly article.
- Slouching toward Beastliness: Richard Wright's Anatomy of Thomas Dixon--Eby's scholarly article.
- "A (b)igger's place": Lynching and Specularity in Richard Wright's "Fire and Cloud" and Native Son--scholarly article.
- The Horror of Bigger Thomas: The Perception of Form without Face in Richard Wright's 'Native Son' --scholarly article.
- Farrell's Ethnic Neighborhood and Wright's Urban Ghetto: Two Visions of Chicago's South Side --scholarly article.
- The soul has bandaged moments": reading the African American gothic in Wright's "big boy leaves home," Morrison's beloved, and Gomez's Gilda --scholarly article.
- The uses and hazards of expatriation": Richard Wright's cosmopolitanism in process --scholarly article.
- Richard Wright's 12 Million Black Voices and World War II-era civic nationalism --scholarly article.
- Richard Wright's long journey from Gorky to Dostoevsky --scholarly article.
- The Man Who Was Almost a Man --etext. Here is copy 2 of "Almost a Man."
- Heath Study Guide for "Almost a Man"--themes, strategies, issues.
- Black Boy: Teacher's Guide--helpful ideas/strategies
- The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness: Richard Wright's Rite of Passage --scholarly article.
- Unmaking the Male Body: The Politics of Masculinity in 'The Long Dream' -- Geiger's scholarly article.
- Mapping the Terrain of Whiteness: Richard Wright's Savage Holiday--Demirtuk's scholarly article.
- Wright's Unpublished Haiku: A World Elsewhere--Ogburn's scholarly article.
- Phenomenology and Textual Power in Richard Wright's "The Man Who Lived Underground"--scholarly article.
- Black Orpheus: Richard Wright's "The Man Who Lived Underground" --scholarly article
- 'The soul has bandaged moments': Reading the African American Gothic in Wright's 'Big Boy Leaves Home,' Morrison's 'Beloved,' and Gomez's 'Gilda' --scholarly article.
- Richard Wright's 'Lawd Today!' And the political Uses of Modernism --scholarly article.
- From No Man's Land to Mother-land: Emasculation and Nationalism in Richard Wright's Depression Era Urban Novels --scholarly article.
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