
Art Tours

Women's Modernist and Eco Art

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Frida Kahlo, "Broken Column" (1944) [left] and "The Love Embrace of
the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Me, and Senor Xolotl" (1949) [right].


Frida Kahlo, "Roots" (1943)

Frida Kahlo


The Sojourner Truth placesetting from
Judi Chicago's The Dinner Party (1979)

Judy Chicago


Nora Noranjo-Morse, "Mud Woman with Pot" (1991)

Nora Naranjo-Morse, Sculptor/Poet

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Faith Ringgold, "Sunflower Quilt" (1991) [left] and Harriet Powers, "Bible Quilt" (1886) [right].

Faith Ringgold and Harriet Powers (quilt artists)


Betye Saar, "The Liberation of Aunt Jemima" (1972)

Betye Saar


Barbara Kruger, "Your Body Is a Battleground" (1989)

Barbara Kruger

Contemporary Women's Eco-Art

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Last updated: 2-27-17